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Last active September 10, 2024 23:16
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JoeyLib IIgs ASM Blitter Work
; JoeyLib
; Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Scott Duensing <[email protected]>
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
; warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
; arising from the use of this software.
; Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
; including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
; freely, subject to the following restrictions:
; 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
; claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
; in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
; appreciated but is not required.
; 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
; misrepresented as being the original software.
; 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
mcopy 13:ORCAInclude:m16.ORCA
mcopy jIIgs.macro
case on
gen on
GlobalData data
ScTable ds 400 ; 400 bytes for 200 scanline offsets
StTable ds 50 ; 50 bytes for 25 stencil table offsets
MaTable ds 256 ; 4 bit stencil to mask word table
VblRate ds 2 ; Either 5 or 6 depending on PAL or NTSC.
VblTime ds 2 ; Integer Counter
; Blit an 8x8 block to (almost) anywhere on a surface.
; Optimized by qkumba - thanks!
asmB88 start
source equ 1 ; Source Pixels Offset
target equ 3 ; Target Pixels Offset
t equ 5 ; Temp
xc equ 7 ; X Counter
yc equ 9 ; Y Counter
jsubroutine (4:surface,4:tiles,2:sx,2:sy,2:tx,2:ty),10
using GlobalData
; Find offset into tile memory
lda sy ; Load sy to get index into scanline table
asl a ; Multiply by two to get offset into scanline table (two bytes per entry in table)
; Divide source horizontal position by two since there are two pixels per byte
lda sx ; Load X source position into accumulator
lsr a
adc ScTable,y ; Add to byte offset of y position from table
sta source ; Offset to start of source pixels
; Find offset into target surface memory
lda ty ; Load ty to get index into scanline table
asl a ; Multiply by two to get offset into scanline table (two bytes per entry in table)
; Divide target horizontal position by two since there are two pixels per byte
lda tx ; Load X target position into accumulator
lsr a ; Shift Right - divide by 2
adc ScTable,y ; Add x position to byte offset of y position from table
sta target ; Offset to start of target pixels
stz xc ; Load 0 into X, 8 into Y counters
lda #8
sta yc
blitTop ldy source ; Load Y register with source pixel offset
lda [tiles],y ; Load 4 tile pixels
ldy target ; Load Y register with target pixel offset
sta [surface],y ; Store 4 pixels into screen
iny ; Increment to next pixel target quad
sty target
inx ; Increment to next pixel source quad
stx source
lda xc ; Increment X counter
inc a
and #1 ; count to 2 and auto-reset
sta xc
;;cmp #2 ; End of X pixels?
bne blitTop ; Nope!
clc ; Increment target offset
adc #156
sta target
clc ; Increment source offset
adc #156
sta source
dec yc ; Decrement Y counter
;;cmp #0 ; End of Y pixels?
bne blitTop ; Nope!
; Blit an 8x8 block with stencil to (almost) anywhere on a surface.
; (Thanks dwsJason!)
asmB88a start
source equ 1 ; Source Pixels Offset
target equ 3 ; Target Pixels Offset
xc equ 5 ; X Counter
yc equ 7 ; Y Counter
mask0123 equ 9
stoffset equ 11
tile_pix equ 13
jsubroutine (4:surface,4:tiles,4:stencil,2:sx,2:sy,2:tx,2:ty),16
using GlobalData
; Find offset into tile memory
; Divide source horizontal position by two since there are two pixels per byte
lda sx ; Load X source position into accumulator
lsr a ; Shift Right - divide by 2
tax ; save in temp
; c=? but does not matter
lda sy ; Load sy to get index into scanline table
asl a ; Multiply by two to get offset into scanline table (two bytes per entry in table)
adc ScTable,y ; Load byte offset of y position from table
; c=0 from the asl above here
sta source ; Offset to start of source pixels; Find offset into target surface memory
; Divide target horizontal position by two since there are two pixels per byte
lsr tx
lda ty ; Load ty to get index into scanline table
asl a ; Multiply by two to get offset into scanline table (two bytes per entry in table)
lda ScTable,y ; Load byte offset of y position from table
; c=0 from the asl above
adc tx ; Add x position to scanline offset
sta target ; Offset to start of target pixels; Find the upper left corner of the stencil
lda sy
asl a
lda ScTable,y ; look up in the pixel scanline table
lsr a
lsr a ; we're 4 times smaller, so just divide it
sta stoffset
lda #0 ; Load 0 into X and Y counters
sta xc
sta yc
blitTop anop
; build the mask
lda #$FFFF
sta mask0123 ; default all 4 pixels visible
lda sx ; add in stencil X position
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a ; div by 8 to get to byte index
adc stoffset
lda sx
and #7
; A = number of initial bits to shift out
; to get to the mask
tax ; save in X
lda [stencil],y ; load the stencil
xba ; since we divided by 8, need to get our bits up high
skipbit anop ; burn bits we don't care about
asl a
bpl skipbit
bcc mask0 ; bit clear, leave mask alone
lda #$00F0 ; bit set, set the mask bits
trb mask0123
mask0 anop
asl a
bcc mask1 ; bit clear, leave mask alone
lda #$000F ; bit set, set the mask bits
trb mask0123
mask1 anop
asl a
bcc mask2 ; bit clear, leave mask alone
lda #$F000 ; bit set, set the mask bits
trb mask0123
mask2 anop
asl a
bcc mask3 ; bit clear, leave mask alone
lda #$0F00 ; bit set, set the mask bits
trb mask0123
mask3 anop
; c=?
clc ; c=0
lda sx
adc #4 ; Add 4 here because we're moving left to right
sta sx
ldy source ; Load Y register with source pixel offset
lda [tiles],y ; Load 4 tile pixels
sta tile_pix
ldy target ; Load Y register with target pixel offset
lda [surface],y
and mask0123
ora tile_pix
sta [surface],y ; Store 4 pixels into screen
;clc ; Increment to next pixel target quad
lda #2
adc target
sta target
; c=0 here as long as target didn't go over $FFFF
;clc ; Increment to next pixel source quad
lda #2
adc source
sta source ;clc ; c=0 here as long as source didn't go above $FFFF
lda xc ; Increment X counter
adc #1
sta xc
cmp #2 ; End of X pixels?
bcc blitTop ; Nope! lda #0 ; Reset X counter
stz xc ; reset xcounter to 0
; c = 1
; reset stencil X
lda sx
sbc #8
sta sx
; c=0
lda stoffset ;Increment Stencil offset
adc #40 ; 160 / 4
sta stoffset ; c=0 ; Increment target offset
lda #156 ; c=1, so instead of doing clc, adc 156, just do adc 155
adc target
sta target
;clc ; Increment source offset
; c=0 unless target goes above $FFFF
lda #156
adc source
sta source
; clc c=0 unless source goes above $FFFF
lda yc ; Increment Y counter
adc #1
sta yc
cmp #8 ; End of Y pixels?
bcs maskend ; Yep!
jmp blitTop
maskend anop
; Set Border Color
asmBorder start
jsubroutine (2:color)
short m
lda >$E0C034
and #$F0
ora color
sta >$E0C034
long m
; Draw a block of tiles from a region of tile data
; ***FIX*** This no longer does what we want since
; blitting source addresses are now in pixels. Fix!
asmDrawBM start
tileX equ 1
tileY equ 3
offset equ 5
loopX equ 7
loopY equ 9
jsubroutine (4:surface,2:startX,2:startY,2:width,2:height,4:mapData,2:stride,4:tiles),10
lda #0 ; Zero some starting values
sta offset
clc ; Find loop ending values
lda width ; Load width of map to draw, in tiles
asl a ; Multiply by 8 to get pixels
asl a
asl a
adc startX ; Add starting position in pixels
sta loopX ; Store it
lda height ; Load height of map to draw, in tiles
asl a ; Multiply by 8 to get pixels
asl a
asl a
adc startY ; Add starting position in pixels
sta loopY ; Store it
ldx startX ; Initialize loop counters
ldy startY
drawTop phy ; Keep Y for later
ldy offset ; Y is now offset into map data
lda [mapData],y
and #$00ff ; We only want 8 bits
sta tileX
lda [mapData],y
and #$00ff ; We only want 8 bits
sta tileY
sty offset
ply ; Y is our loop counter again
phx ; Protect from clobbering
phy ; Push parameters in reverse for asmB88
ph2 tileY
ph2 tileX
ph4 tiles
ph4 surface
jsl asmB88 ; Call tile drawing code
ply ; Unclobber
txa ; Increment x loop
adc #8 ; Increment in pixels
cpx loopX ; Loop until 'width'
bcc drawTop
ldx startX ; Reset x loop
lda offset ; Add stride to offset
adc stride
sta offset
tya ; Increment y loop
adc #8 ; Increment in pixels
cpy loopY ; Loop until 'height'
bcc drawTop
; Arc3D line-drawing code
; By Andy McFadden
; Adapted from code by the FTA.
; Draws from (clpx0,clpy0) to (clpx1,clpy1) (output of a clipping routine).
asmDrawLine start
x0 equ 1
y0 equ 3
x1 equ 5
y1 equ 7
offset equ 9
deltax equ 11
deltay equ 13
diff equ 15
even_c equ 17
odd_c equ 19
jsubroutine (4:surface,2:penColor,2:clpx0,2:clpy0,2:clpx1,2:clpy1),20
; Say surface = $012000...
lda surface ; Should be $2000
sta __e0 ; set "even" addresses
sta __e1
sta __e2
sta __e3
sta __e4
sta __e5
sta __e6
sta __e7
sta __e8
sta __e9
sta __e10
sta __e11
sta __e12
sta __e13
dea ; Should be $1fff
sta __o0 ; set "odd" addresses
sta __o1
sta __o2
sta __o3
sta __o4
sta __o5
sta __o6
sta __o7
sta __o8
sta __o9
sta __o10
sta __o11
sta __o12
sta __o13
phb ; keep original bank
lda surface+1 ; Should be $0120
pha ; switch to bank we're pointing into
plb ; B is now $20 - bad!
plb ; B is now $01 - good!
DoDrawLine anop
lda <clpy1 ; 4 is y1 < y0?
cmp <clpy0 ; 4
blt in_order ; 2/3 yes, so leave alone
; lda <clpy1 ; we want y0 to be the largest,
sta y0 ; so switch
lda <clpx1
sta x0
lda <clpy0
sta y1
lda <clpx0
sta x1
bra copy_done
in_order anop
; lda <clpy1
sta y1
lda <clpx1
sta x1
lda <clpy0
sta y0
lda <clpx0
sta x0
; 39/41 cycles to here
; setup offset and deltas
copy_done anop
lda y1
asl A
asl A
adc y1
asl A
asl A
asl A
asl A
asl A
asl A
adc x1
sta offset ; 16+16=32
; penColor must be between 0 and 15
lda <penColor ; setup pixel images
sta even_c ; 0x000f
asl A
asl A
asl A
asl A
and #$f000
sta odd_c ; 0xf000
lda y0
sbc y1
sta deltay ; we know y0 is larger...
beq Horizontal ; +2 do as special case
lda x1
cmp x0
beq Vertical ; +2 do as special case
; bcc Rev ; x1 is smaller; go other way
bcs Forw
brl Rev
Forw sbc x0
sta deltax
cmp deltay
bcc Forw_bigy_j
brl Forw_bigx
Forw_bigy_j anop
brl Forw_bigy
; Handle special cases (horizontal/vertical/point)
; handle vertical (deltax=0) lines
Vertical lda deltay
tay ; count down
lda offset
lsr A
bcc vf_odd2
; bra vf_even2
; loop below
vf_even2 lda $dead,x
__e0 equ *-2
and #$fff0
ora even_c
sta $dead,x
__e1 equ *-2
adc #160
bpl vf_even2
bra vf_done
vf_odd2 lda $beef,x
__o0 equ *-2
and #$0fff
ora odd_c
sta $beef,x
__o1 equ *-2
adc #160
bpl vf_odd2
; bra vf_done
vf_done brl Exit
; handle horizontal (deltay=0) lines
Horizontal anop
lda x1
cmp x0
bcc h_rev ; x1 is smaller; go other way
sbc x0
sta deltax
; horizontal, moving forward
h_forw lda deltax
tay ; count down
lda offset
lsr A
bcc hf_odd2
; bra hf_even2
; loop below
hf_even2 lda $dead,x
__e2 equ *-2
and #$fff0
ora even_c
sta $dead,x
__e3 equ *-2
bmi hf_done
hf_odd2 lda $beef,x
__o2 equ *-2
and #$0fff
ora odd_c
sta $beef,x
__o3 equ *-2
bpl hf_even2
hf_done brl Exit
; horizontal, reverse direction
h_rev sec
lda x0
sbc x1
sta deltax
lda deltax
tay ; count down
lda offset
lsr A
bcc hr_odd2
; bra hr_even2
; loop below
hr_even2 lda $dead,x
__e4 equ *-2
and #$fff0
ora even_c
sta $dead,x
__e5 equ *-2
bmi hr_done
hr_odd2 lda $beef,x
__o4 equ *-2
and #$0fff
ora odd_c
sta $beef,x
__o5 equ *-2
bpl hr_even2
; bra hr_done
hr_done brl Exit
; Standard cases
; forward direction, deltay is bigger than deltax
Forw_bigy anop
lda deltay
tay ; count down
lsr A
eor #$ffff
inc A
sta diff
lda offset
lsr A
bcc fy_odd2
bra fy_even2
; loop below
fy_even1 sta diff
fy_even2 lda $dead,x
__e6 equ *-2
and #$fff0
ora even_c
sta $dead,x
__e7 equ *-2
bmi fy_done
adc #160
lda deltax
adc diff
bmi fy_even1
sbc deltay
fy_odd1 sta diff
fy_odd2 lda $beef,x
__o6 equ *-2
and #$0fff
ora odd_c
sta $beef,x
__o7 equ *-2
bmi fy_done
adc #160
lda deltax
adc diff
bmi fy_odd1
sbc deltay
bra fy_even1
fy_done brl Exit
; reverse direction
Rev sec
lda x0
sbc x1
sta deltax
cmp deltay
bcs Rev_bigx
; reverse direction, deltay is bigger than deltax
Rev_bigy lda deltay
tay ; count down
inc A
lsr A
eor #$ffff
inc A
sta diff
lda offset
lsr A
bcc ry_odd2
bra ry_even2
; loop below
ry_even1 sta diff
ry_even2 lda $dead,x
__e8 equ *-2
and #$fff0
ora even_c
sta $dead,x
__e9 equ *-2
bmi ry_done
adc #160
lda deltax
adc diff
bmi ry_even1
sbc deltay
ry_odd1 sta diff
ry_odd2 lda $beef,x
__o8 equ *-2
and #$0fff
ora odd_c
sta $beef,x
__o9 equ *-2
bmi ry_done
adc #160
lda deltax
adc diff
bmi ry_odd1
sbc deltay
bra ry_even1
ry_done brl Exit
; reverse direction, deltax is bigger than deltay
Rev_bigx lda deltax
tay ; count down
lsr A
eor #$ffff
inc A
sta diff
lda offset
lsr A
bcc rx_odd2
bra rx_even2
; loop below
rx_even1 sta diff
rx_even2 lda $dead,x
__e10 equ *-2
and #$fff0
ora even_c
sta $dead,x
__e11 equ *-2
bmi rx_done
lda deltay
adc diff
bmi rx_odd1
sbc deltax
sta diff
adc #160
bra rx_odd2
rx_odd1 sta diff
rx_odd2 lda $beef,x
__o10 equ *-2
and #$0fff
ora odd_c
sta $beef,x
__o11 equ *-2
bmi rx_done
lda deltay
adc diff
bmi rx_even1
sbc deltax
sta diff
adc #160
bra rx_even2
rx_done brl Exit
; forward direction, deltax is bigger than deltay
Forw_bigx anop
lda deltax
tay ; count down
lsr A
eor #$ffff
inc A
sta diff
lda offset
lsr A
bcc fx_odd2
bra fx_even2
; loop below
fx_even1 sta diff
fx_even2 lda $dead,x
__e12 equ *-2
and #$fff0
ora even_c
sta $dead,x
__e13 equ *-2
bmi fx_done
lda deltay
adc diff
bmi fx_odd1
sbc deltax
sta diff
adc #160
bra fx_odd2
fx_odd1 sta diff
fx_odd2 lda $beef,x
__o12 equ *-2
and #$0fff
ora odd_c
sta $beef,x
__o13 equ *-2
bmi fx_done
lda deltay
adc diff
bmi fx_even1
sbc deltax
sta diff
adc #160
bra fx_even2
fx_done brl Exit
; common exit point
Exit plb ; return to original bank
; Returns the color of a given point
; Psychotically commented to help learn ASM :-)
asmGetPoint start
temp1 equ 1
jsubroutine (4:surface,2:Xp,2:Yp),2
using GlobalData
lda Yp ; Load accumulator with Y location
asl a ; Shift accumulator left (multiply by 2) for word offset into table
tay ; Transfer accumulator to y register
lda ScTable,y ; Look up scan line address offset
sta temp1 ; Store accumulator (row offset into SHR memory) into temp1
clc ; Clear carry flag
lda Xp ; Place X position in accumulator
lsr a ; Logical Shift Right (divide by 2, two pixels per byte) - bit shifted off the end goes into carry flag
php ; Save our carry flag for later!
clc ; Clear carry
adc temp1 ; Add X position to SHR address with carry - a now contains address of color pair we want
plp ; Restore our carry flag
tay ; Transfer accumulator to y register
lda [surface],y ; Load pixel pair into accumulator
bcc GEven ; Branch if Carry Clear - Determines Even/Odd pixel
and #$F ; AND accumulator with $F to mask off unwanted pixel
bra GBoth
GEven and #$F0 ; AND accumulator with $F0 to mask off unwanted pixel
lsr a ; Shift the result down a nibble
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
GBoth sta temp1 ; Store accumulator in temp1
jreturn 2:temp1
; Return the current 1/10th second timer value
asmGetVbl start
using GlobalData
lda >VblTime
; Turns off SHR Graphics
asmGrOff start
short m
lda >$E1C029
and #$7F
sta >$E1C029
long m
; Turns on SHR Graphics
asmGrOn start
short m
lda >$E1C029
ora #$C1
sta >$E1C029
long m
; Reads controller axis
; Thank you to John Brooks for this code!
asmJoy start
pret0 equ 1
pret1 equ 2
speed equ $00C036
pdl0 equ $00C064
pdl1 equ $00C065
ptrig equ $00C070
jsubroutine ,2
php ; Save mx reg size bits
phb ; Save data bank
short m,i ; 8-bit m,x
sei ; disable interrupts
ldx #0 ; Zero paddle 0 counter
plb ; Set DBR = 0
ldy speed ; Read current system speed
phy ; Save it
lda #$80 ; Fast/Slow bit
trb speed ; Force 1 Mhz
txy ; Zero paddle 1 counter
pha ; Dummy data for wait pla
lda ptrig ; Start paddle timers. Wait 11 cycles then read pdl0
pla ; 4c
gotpdl1 xba ; 3c
chkpdl0 lda pdl0 ; 4c. Read pdl0. 10c until pdl1 read
bpl gotpdl0 ; 2/3c taken if pdl0 is done
inx ; 2c
inx ; 2c
lda pdl1 ; 4c. Read pdl1. 12c until pdl0 read
bmi nogots ; 2/3c
bpl gotpdl1 ; 3c always taken
nogots iny ; 2c
jmp chkpdl0 ; 3c
gotpdl0 xba ; 3c
lda pdl1 ; 4c. Read pdl1. 12c until pdl0 read
bmi nogots ; 3c if pdl1 not done
pla ; Reload original speed
sta speed ; Restore it
plb ; Restore Data Bank
stx pret0 ; Store result
asl a ; Scale 0-127 pdl1 to 0-254
sta pret1
plp ; Restore mx 8/16 mode and interrupt enable state
long m,i
jreturn 2:pret0
; Swaps nibble values
; Psychotically commented to help learn ASM :-)
asmNSwap start
hnibo equ 1 ; High nibble old color value
hnibn equ 2 ; High nibble new color value
jsubroutine (4:pointer,2:count,2:oldColor,2:newColor),2
short m ; Use 8 bit accumulator
lda newColor ; Load new color to use
asl a ; Shift it up a nibble
asl a
asl a
asl a
sta hnibn ; Store it for later
lda oldColor ; Load old color to use (16 bit argument)
asl a ; Shift it up a nibble
asl a
asl a
asl a
sta hnibo ; Store it for later
ldy #0 ; Load Y (our counter) with 0
NSLow lda [pointer],y ; Get byte to check
and #$0F ; Isolate low nibble
cmp oldColor ; Compare to old value
bne NSHigh ; Not equal, skip to high nibble
lda [pointer],y ; Get byte to modify
and #$F0 ; Clear low nibble
ora newColor ; Set low nibble to new color
sta [pointer],y ; Store it back
NSHigh lda [pointer],y ; Get byte to check
and #$F0 ; Isolate high nibble
cmp hnibo ; Compare to old color
bne NSEnd ; Not equal, skip to next byte
lda [pointer],y ; Get byte to modify
and #$0F ; Clear high nibble
ora hnibn ; Set high nibble to new color
sta [pointer],y ; Store it back
NSEnd iny ; Increment Y
clc ; Clear carry
cpy count ; Compare Y to number of bytes to modify
bcc NSLow ; Keep going
long m ; Back to 16 bit accumulator
; Plots a point in a given color
; Psychotically commented to help learn ASM :-)
asmPoint start
temp1 equ 1
temp2 equ 3
temp3 equ 5
jsubroutine (4:surface,2:color,2:Xp,2:Yp),6
using GlobalData
lda Xp ; Place X position in accumulator
lsr a ; Logical Shift Right (divide by 2) - bit shifted off the end goes into carry flag
sta temp1 ; Store accumulator in temp1
bcc PEven ; Branch if Carry Clear - Determines Even/Odd pixel
POdd lda #$FFF0 ; Load accumulator with pixel mask
sta temp2 ; Store accumulator in temp2
lda color ; Load accumulator with color
and #$F ; AND accumulator with $F
bra PBoth ; Branch Always to PBoth
PEven lda #$FF0F ; Load accumulator with pixel mask
sta temp2 ; Store accumulator in temp2
lda color ; Load accumulator with color
and #$F0 ; AND accumulator with $F0
PBoth sta temp3 ; Store accumulator in temp3
lda Yp ; Load accumulator with Y location
asl a ; Shift accumulator left (multiply by 2)
tay ; Transfer accumulator to y register
lda ScTable,y ; Look up scan line address offset
adc temp1 ; Add X position to address with carry
tay ; Transfer accumulator to y
lda [surface],y ; Load existing pixels into accumulator
and temp2 ; AND accumulator with temp2
ora temp3 ; OR accumulator with temp3
sta [surface],y ; Store updated pixels back into memory
; "PEI Slam" shadowed SHR display to the
; actual display. Copies all 200 lines,
; the palette, and SCBs.
; Basically stolen from
asmSlam start
short m ; Turn Shadowing On
lda >$E0C035
and #$F7
sta >$E0C035
long m
php ; Push Processor Status Register
lda >$E0C068-1
pha ; Save main/aux bank state
phd ; Save DPage
tsc ; Transfer Stack Pointer to C Accumulator
sta >StackPtr ; Store Accumulator in StackPtr
sei ; Disable interrupts
lda #$3000 ; Read/write aux 48k (SHR) via bank 0
sta >$E0C068-1
ldy #$2000 ; Point to start of SHR
peiChunk ldx #7 ; Chunks before interrupts
peiPage tya
tcd ; Move DP
adc #$FF ; Point to top of page
tcs ; Move stack
inc a
tay ; Keep + 0x100 for later
pei $FE ; "Slam" a single page
pei $FC
pei $FA
pei $F8
pei $F6
pei $F4
pei $F2
pei $F0
pei $EE
pei $EC
pei $EA
pei $E8
pei $E6
pei $E4
pei $E2
pei $E0
pei $DE
pei $DC
pei $DA
pei $D8
pei $D6
pei $D4
pei $D2
pei $D0
pei $CE
pei $CC
pei $CA
pei $C8
pei $C6
pei $C4
pei $C2
pei $C0
pei $BE
pei $BC
pei $BA
pei $B8
pei $B6
pei $B4
pei $B2
pei $B0
pei $AE
pei $AC
pei $AA
pei $A8
pei $A6
pei $A4
pei $A2
pei $A0
pei $9E
pei $9C
pei $9A
pei $98
pei $96
pei $94
pei $92
pei $90
pei $8E
pei $8C
pei $8A
pei $88
pei $86
pei $84
pei $82
pei $80
pei $7E
pei $7C
pei $7A
pei $78
pei $76
pei $74
pei $72
pei $70
pei $6E
pei $6C
pei $6A
pei $68
pei $66
pei $64
pei $62
pei $60
pei $5E
pei $5C
pei $5A
pei $58
pei $56
pei $54
pei $52
pei $50
pei $4E
pei $4C
pei $4A
pei $48
pei $46
pei $44
pei $42
pei $40
pei $3E
pei $3C
pei $3A
pei $38
pei $36
pei $34
pei $32
pei $30
pei $2E
pei $2C
pei $2A
pei $28
pei $26
pei $24
pei $22
pei $20
pei $1E
pei $1C
pei $1A
pei $18
pei $16
pei $14
pei $12
pei $10
pei $0E
pei $0C
pei $0A
pei $08
pei $06
pei $04
pei $02
pei $00
cpy #$A000 ; Did we copy everything?
bge peiEnd ; Yep!
bmi peiInts ; Do we need to process interrupts?
brl peiPage
peiInts lda #0 ; Swap main 48k into bank 0
sta >$E0C068-1
lda >StackPtr ; Load original Stack Pointer into Accumulator
tcs ; Transfer Accumulator to Stack Pointer (Restores original stack)
cli ; Go Interrupts! Go!
sei ; Stop interrupts
lda #$3000 ; Read/write aux 48k (SHR) via bank 0
sta >$E0C068-1
brl peiChunk
peiEnd lda #0 ; Swap main 48k into bank 0
sta >$E0C068-1
lda >StackPtr
tcs ; Restore stack
pld ; Restore DP
sta >$E0C068-1 ; Restore main/aux bank state
plp ; Restore processor register
short m ; Turn Shadowing Off
lda >$E0C035
ora #$08
sta >$E0C035
long m
StackPtr ds 2 ; Space for SP
; Start up assembly routines
; Builds a table of scanline offsets
asmStart start
stenB equ 1 ; Stencil byte (only lower nibble is used)
stenC equ 3 ; Stencil byte counter
maskW equ 5 ; Mask word
jsubroutine (2:id,2:hertz),6
using GlobalData
ldy #0 ; Load 0 into y register
lda #0 ; Load 0 into accumulator
clc ; Clear carry flag
tScan anop ; Build scanline table
sta ScTable,y ; Store accumulator in ScTable+x
adc #160 ; Add 160 to accumulator (320 pixels / 2 pixels per byte)
iny ; Increment y
iny ; Increment y
cpy #400 ; Compare y to 400 (200 scanlines)
bcc tScan ; Repeat Scan Table Loop until we do all 200 lines
ldy #0 ; Load 0 into y register
lda #0 ; Load 0 into accumulator
clc ; Clear carry flag
tSten anop ; Build stencil cell table
sta StTable,y ; Store accumulator in StencilTable+x
adc #320 ; Add 320 to accumulator (8 lines * 40 bytes)
iny ; Increment y
iny ; Increment y
cpy #50 ; Compare y to 50 (25 stencil cell offsets)
bcc tSten ; Repeat Stencil Table Loop until we do all 25 cells
; Convert stencil byte to mask word (4 pixels)
clc ; Clear carry flag
ldy #0 ; Load 0 into y register
lda #0 ; Stencil bits starting point
sta stenC
tMask ldx #4 ; How many pixels to process?
lda #$ffff ; Initially, the mask word is all one bits
sta maskW
lda stenC ; Put counter in bits
xba ; Swap MSB and LSB
asl a ; Shift mask word over a nibble
asl a
asl a
asl a
sta stenB
nextNib lda stenB ; Load stencil byte into accumulator
asl a ; Shift first bit out of stencil byte into C
sta stenB ; Update stencil byte
bcc pixOn ; If C is clear, we draw the pixel (opposite of the mask data)
lda maskW ; Load mask word into accumulator
asl a ; Shift mask word over a pixel (4 bits)
asl a
asl a
asl a
; or #$0000 ; Do not draw pixel - mask it off
sta maskW ; Store updated mask word
jmp nextPix ; Start next pixel
pixOn lda maskW ; Load mask word into accumulator
asl a ; Shift mask word over a pixel (4 bits)
asl a
asl a
asl a
ora #$000f ; Draw pixel
sta maskW ; Store updated mask word
nextPix dex ; Decrement pixel counter in X
bne nextNib ; Not zero? Do next nibble/pixel
xba ; Flip MSB and LSB
sta MaTable,y ; Store accumulator (maskW) in table
lda stenC ; Increment stencil bit pattern counter
inc a
sta stenC ; Store for the next pass
iny ; Increment y - two bytes
iny ; Increment y
cpy #256 ; Compare y to 512 (128 stencil patterns)
bcc tMask ; Repeat Mask Table Loop until we do all 128 bit patterns
lda hertz ; Store refresh rate / 10 in VblCount and VblRate
sta >VblRate
lda #0 ; Reset timer
sta >VblTime
ph4 #VblHdr ; Start VBL interrupt task
ldx #$1203 ;_SetHeartBeat
jsl $E10000
ph2 #$0002 ; Turn on heart beat IRQs
ldx #$2303 ;_IntSource
jsl $E10000
; Shut down assembly routines
asmStop start
ph4 #VblHdr ; Stop VBL interrupt task
ldx #$1303 ;_DelHeartBeat
jsl $E10000
; Increment time counter using VBLs every 1/10 second
VblHdr start
dc i4'0' ; Space for task pointer
VblCount dc i2'1' ; How many VBLs between calls (1 only on initial call)
dc i2'$A55A' ; Task signature
using GlobalData
long m,i
lda >VblRate ; Reset hearbeat counter
sta >VblCount
lda >VblTime ; Increment timer
inc a
sta >VblTime
short m,i
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