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Created March 12, 2021 15:54
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# Moment closure of an SIR reaction network model using MomentClosure
Simon Frost (@sdwfrost), 2021-03-10
## Libraries
using DifferentialEquations
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using MomentClosure
using ModelingToolkit
using DataFrames
using StatsPlots
## Transitions
@parameters t β c γ
@variables S(t) I(t) R(t)
rxs1 = [Reaction(β*c, [S,I], [I], [1,1], [2])
Reaction(γ, [I], [R])]
rs1 = ReactionSystem(rxs1, t, [S,I,R], [β,c,γ]);
## Time domain
We set the timespan for simulations, `tspan`, initial conditions, `u0`, and parameter values, `p` (which are unpacked above as `[β,γ]`).
δt = 0.1
tmax = 40.0
tspan = (0.0,tmax)
ts = 0:δt:tmax
## Initial conditions
In `ModelingToolkit`, the initial values are defined by an vector of `Pair`s.
u0 = [S => 990.0,
I => 10.0,
R => 0.0]
We will also need this as a vector of type `Real` for `MomentClosure.jl`.
u0v = [x[2] for x in u0]
## Parameter values
Similarly, the parameter values are defined by a dictionary.
p1 = [β=>0.00005,
## Generating central moment equations
We often deal with central moments (mean, variances, etc.) in epidemiological models. For polynomial rates (e.g. λ=βSI), we only need to specify the order of the moments we want. For demonstration purposes, we'll set the order, `m` to be 2 i.e. to just output means and (co)variances.
central_eqs1 = generate_central_moment_eqs(rs1, 2, combinatoric_ratelaw=false)
## Moment closure
`MomentClosure.jl` provides many ways to close the system. For each system, we also need to generate a set of corresponding initial conditions.
closure_methods = ["zero","normal","poisson","log-normal","gamma","derivative matching"];
closed_central_eqs1 = Dict(cm=>moment_closure(central_eqs1,cm) for cm in closure_methods);
u0map1 = Dict(cm=> deterministic_IC(u0v,closed_central_eqs1[cm]) for cm in closure_methods);
## Defining and solving the closed equations
The problem can now be defined and solved. Here, I cycle through the closure methods.
closed_central_eqs1_df = Dict{String,DataFrame}()
for cm in closure_methods
prob = ODEProblem(closed_central_eqs1[cm], u0map1[cm], tspan, p1)
sol = solve(prob)
df = DataFrame(sol(ts)')
rename!(df,[replace(string(x[1]),"(t)" => "") for x in u0map1[cm]])
df[!,:t] = ts
closed_central_eqs1_df[cm] = df
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