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This gist shows how to estimate a doubly censored (i.e daily data) and right truncated (i.e due to epidemic phase) distribution using the brms package.
# Load packages
library(data.table) # here we use the development version of data.table install it with data.table::update_dev_pkg
# Set up parallel cores
options(mc.cores = 4)
# Simulate some truncated and truncation data
init_cases <- 100
growth_rate <- 0.1
max_t <- 20
samples <- 400
# note we actually won't end up with this many samples as some will be truncated
logmean <- 1.6
logsd <- 0.6
# Simulate the underlying outbreak structure assuming exponential growth
cases <- data.table(
cases = (init_cases * exp(growth_rate * (1:max_t))) |>
map_dbl(~ rpois(1, .)),
time = 1:max_t
# Make a case line list
linelist <- cases |>
DT(, .(id = 1:cases), by = time)
# Simulate the observation process for the line list
obs <- data.table(
time = sample(linelist$time, samples, replace = FALSE),
delay = rlnorm(samples, logmean, logsd)
) |>
# Add a new ID
DT(, id := 1:.N) |>
# When would data be observed
DT(, obs_delay := time + delay) |>
# Integerise delay
DT(, daily_delay := floor(delay)) |>
# Day after observations
DT(, day_after_delay := ceiling(delay)) |>
# Time observe for
DT(, obs_time := max_t - time) |>
# We don't know this exactly so need to censor
# Set to the midday point as average across day
DT(, censored_obs_time := obs_time - 0.5) |>
DT(, censored := "interval")
# Make event based data for latent modelling
obs <- obs |>
DT(, primary_event := floor(time)) |>
DT(, secondary_event := floor(obs_delay)) |>
DT(, max_t := max_t)
# Truncate observations
truncated_obs <- obs |>
DT(obs_delay <= max_t)
double_truncated_obs <- truncated_obs |>
# The lognormal family in brms does not support 0 so also truncate delays > 1
# This seems like it could be improved
DT(daily_delay >= 1)
# Fit lognormal model with no corrections
naive_model <- brm(
bf(daily_delay ~ 1, sigma ~ 1), data = double_truncated_obs,
family = lognormal(), backend = "cmdstanr", adapt_delta = 0.9
# We see that the log mean is truncated
# the sigma_intercept needs to be exponentiated to return the log sd
# Adjust for truncation
trunc_model <- brm(
bf(daily_delay | trunc(lb = 1, ub = censored_obs_time) ~ 1, sigma ~ 1),
data = double_truncated_obs, family = lognormal(),
backend = "cmdstanr", adapt_delta = 0.9
# Getting closer to recovering our simulated estimates
# Correct for censoring
censor_model <- brm(
bf(daily_delay | cens(censored, day_after_delay) ~ 1, sigma ~ 1),
data = double_truncated_obs, family = lognormal(),
backend = "cmdstanr", adapt_delta = 0.9
# Less close than truncation but better than naive model
# Correct for double interval censoring and truncation
censor_trunc_model <- brm(
daily_delay | trunc(lb = 1, ub = censored_obs_time) +
cens(censored, day_after_delay) ~ 1,
sigma ~ 1
data = double_truncated_obs, family = lognormal(), backend = "cmdstanr"
# Recover underlying distribution
# As the growth rate increases and with short delays we may still see a bias
# as we have a censored observation time
# Model censoring as a latent process (WIP)
# For this model we need to use a custom brms family and so
# the code is significantly more complex.
# Custom family for latent censoring and truncation
fit_latent_lognormal <- function(fn = brm, ...) {
latent_lognormal <- custom_family(
dpars = c("mu", "sigma", "pwindow", "swindow"),
links = c("identity", "log", "identity", "identity"),
lb = c(NA, 0, 0, 0),
ub = c(NA, NA, 1, 1),
type = "real",
vars = c("vreal1[n]", "vreal2[n]")
stan_funs <- "
real latent_lognormal_lpdf(real y, real mu, real sigma, real pwindow,
real swindow, real sevent,
real end_t) {
real p = y + pwindow;
real s = sevent + swindow;
real d = s - p;
real obs_time = end_t - p;
return lognormal_lpdf(d | mu, sigma) - lognormal_lcdf(obs_time | mu, sigma);
stanvars <- stanvar(block = "functions", scode = stan_funs)
# Set up shared priors ----------------------------------------------------
priors <- c(
prior(uniform(0, 1), class = "b", dpar = "pwindow", lb = 0, ub = 1),
prior(uniform(0, 1), class = "b", dpar = "swindow", lb = 0, ub = 1)
fit <- fn(family = latent_lognormal, stanvars = stanvars, prior = priors, ...)
# Fit latent lognormal model
latent_model <- fit_latent_lognormal(
bf(primary_event | vreal(secondary_event, max_t) ~ 1, sigma ~ 1,
pwindow ~ 0 + as.factor(id), swindow ~ 0 + as.factor(id)),
data = truncated_obs, backend = "cmdstanr", fn = brm,
adapt_delta = 0.95
# Should also see parameter recovery using this method though
# run-times are much higher and the model is somewhat unstable.
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seabbs commented Oct 27, 2022

Nice - yes I agree its +-1 padding. Useful to phrase it as the flooring operation for both dates. I also like the use of bpmodels as the simulator (I was actually just looking at this for the write-up).

So if we were dealing with a case where the primary event was happening during the growth phase and the secondary event was happening during the decay phase, we'll see the uniform bias pop out. Not sure how this works for the censoring without the latent case, but will work out simulations very very very soon (sorry, need to send something to Bryan this week).

This is a really interesting point @parksw3!

@sbfnk see a crazy named branch of that repo for some fleshing out of the analysis skeleton.

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parksw3 commented Oct 27, 2022

I merged both branches so you can also look at the main branch

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