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Created November 26, 2012 11:02
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Save seafoox/4147653 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SublimeLinter Configuration
// If true, when the file is saved any errors will appear in a popup list
"sublimelinter_popup_errors_on_save": false,
// Javascript linter: "gjslint" to use the closure javascript linter (if available),
// or either "jshint" or "jslint" to use a built in linter.
"javascript_linter": "jshint",
// jshint: options for linting JavaScript. See for more info.
// By deault, eval is allowed.
"jshint_options" :
"camelcase": true,
"boss": true,
"browser": true,
"curly": false,
"devel": true,
"eqeqeq": false,
"eqnull": true,
"expr": true,
"evil": true,
"immed": false,
"laxcomma": true,
"laxbreak": true,
"newcap": false,
"noarg": true,
"smarttabs": true,
"sub": true,
"undef": true,
"predef": [
// CSSLint options:
// Each rule can have three values: error|warning|true|false
// false => rule is disabled.
// true => alias to 'error'
// All rules are enabled by default.
// Currently the only difference between warnings and errors is in the prefix of the message in the Sublime status bar.
"adjoining-classes": "warning",
"box-model": true,
"box-sizing": "warning",
"compatible-vendor-prefixes": "warning",
"display-property-grouping": true,
"duplicate-background-images": "warning",
"duplicate-properties": true,
"empty-rules": true,
"errors": true,
"fallback-colors": "warning",
"floats": "warning",
"font-faces": "warning",
"font-sizes": "warning",
"gradients": "warning",
"ids": "warning",
"import": "warning",
"important": "warning",
"known-properties": true,
"outline-none": "warning",
"overqualified-elements": "warning",
"qualified-headings": "warning",
"regex-selectors": "warning",
"rules-count": "warning",
"shorthand": "warning",
"star-property-hack": "warning",
"text-indent": "warning",
"underscore-property-hack": "warning",
"unique-headings": "warning",
"universal-selector": "warning",
"vendor-prefix": true,
"zero-units": "warning",
"adjoining-classes": false,
"ids": false
// The set of annotation phrases to highlight
"annotations": ["TODO", "README", "FIXME"]
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