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Created June 2, 2023 13:06
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WooCommerce API with Fetch
import OAuth from "oauth-1.0a";
import crypto from "crypto";
const authParams = {
consumer: {
key: "<consumer-key>",
secret: "<consumer-secret>",
signature_method: "HMAC-SHA256",
hash_function: (base: any, key: any) => {
return crypto.createHmac("sha256", key).update(base).digest("base64");
const oauth = new OAuth(authParams);
const url = "http://localhost:10004/wp-json/wc/v3/products";
const auth = oauth.authorize({
method: "get",
const authHeader = oauth.toHeader(auth);
const res = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
const products = await res.json();
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