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Pydantic instance generation with unit tests
import ast
import logging
import inspect
from typing import Type, TypeVar
from dspy import Assert, Module, ChainOfThought, Signature, InputField, OutputField
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def eval_dict_str(dict_str: str) -> dict:
"""Safely convert str to dict"""
return ast.literal_eval(dict_str)
class PromptToPydanticInstanceSignature(Signature):
Synthesize the prompt into the kwargs fit the model.
Do not duplicate the field descriptions
root_pydantic_model_class_name = InputField(
desc="The class name of the pydantic model to receive the kwargs"
pydantic_model_definitions = InputField(
desc="Pydantic model class definitions as a string"
prompt = InputField(
desc="The prompt to be synthesized into data. Do not duplicate descriptions"
root_model_kwargs_dict = OutputField(
prefix="kwargs_dict: dict = ",
desc="Generate a Python dictionary as a string with minimized whitespace that only contains json valid values.",
class PromptToPydanticInstanceErrorSignature(Signature):
"""Synthesize the prompt into the kwargs fit the model"""
error = InputField(desc="Error message to fix the kwargs")
root_pydantic_model_class_name = InputField(
desc="The class name of the pydantic model to receive the kwargs"
pydantic_model_definitions = InputField(
desc="Pydantic model class definitions as a string"
prompt = InputField(desc="The prompt to be synthesized into data")
root_model_kwargs_dict = OutputField(
prefix="kwargs_dict = ",
desc="Generate a Python dictionary as a string with minimized whitespace that only contains json valid values.",
T = TypeVar("T", bound=BaseModel)
class GenPydanticInstance(Module):
A module for generating and validating Pydantic model instances based on prompts.
To use this module, instantiate the GenPydanticInstance class with the desired
root Pydantic model and optional child models. Then, call the `forward` method
with a prompt to generate Pydantic model instances based on the provided prompt.
def __init__(
root_model: Type[T],
child_models: list[Type[BaseModel]] = None,
self.models = [root_model] # Always include root_model in models list
self.output_key = "root_model_kwargs_dict"
self.root_model = root_model
# Concatenate source code of models for use in generation/correction logic
self.model_sources = "\n".join(
[inspect.getsource(model) for model in self.models]
# Initialize DSPy ChainOfThought modules for generation and correction
self.generate = ChainOfThought(generate_sig)
self.correct_generate = ChainOfThought(correct_generate_sig)
self.validation_error = None
def validate_root_model(self, output: str) -> bool:
"""Validates whether the generated output conforms to the root Pydantic model."""
model_inst = self.root_model.model_validate(eval_dict_str(output))
return isinstance(model_inst, self.root_model)
except (ValidationError, ValueError, TypeError, SyntaxError) as error:
self.validation_error = error
logger.debug(f"Validation error: {error}")
return False
def validate_output(self, output) -> T:
"""Validates the generated output and returns an instance of the root Pydantic model if successful."""
f"""You need to create a kwargs dict for {self.root_model.__name__}\n
Validation error:\n{self.validation_error}""",
return self.root_model.model_validate(eval_dict_str(output))
def forward(self, prompt) -> T:
Takes a prompt as input and generates a Python dictionary that represents an instance of the
root Pydantic model. It also handles error correction and validation.
output = self.generate(
output = output[self.output_key]
return self.validate_output(output)
except (AssertionError, ValueError, TypeError) as error:
logger.error(f"Error {str(error)}\nOutput:\n{output}")
# Correction attempt
corrected_output = self.correct_generate(
return self.validate_output(corrected_output)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.forward(kwargs.get("prompt"))
def main():
import dspy
from rdddy.messages import EventStormModel, Event, Command, Query
lm = dspy.OpenAI(max_tokens=3000, model="gpt-4")
prompt = """
Automated Hygen template full stack system for NextJS.
Express.js is arguably the most popular web framework for Node.js
A typical app structure for express celebrates the notion of routes and handlers, while views and data are left for interpretation (probably because the rise of microservices and client-side apps).
So an app structure may look like this:
While routes.js glues everything together:
// ... some code ...
const health = require('./handlers/health')
const shazam = require('./handlers/shazam')
app.get('/health', health)'/shazam', shazam)
module.exports = app
Unlike React Native, you could dynamically load modules here. However, there's still a need for judgement when constructing the routes (app.get/post part).
Using hygen let's see how we could build something like this:
$ hygen route new --method post --name auth
Since we've been through a few templates as with previous use cases, let's jump straight to the interesting part, the inject part.
So let's say our generator is structured like this:
Then inject_handler looks like this:
inject: true
to: app/routes.js
skip_if: <%= name %>
before: "module.exports = app"
app.<%= method %>('/<%= name %>', <%= name %>)
Note how we're anchoring this inject to before: "module.exports = app". If in previous occasions we appended content to a given line, we're now prepending it.
You are a Event Storm assistant that comes up with Events, Commands, and Queries for Reactive Domain Driven Design based on the ```prompt```
model_module = GenPydanticInstance(root_model=EventStormModel, child_models=[Event, Command, Query])
model_inst = model_module(prompt=prompt)
value = """"""
if __name__ == '__main__':
from rdddy.generators.gen_pydantic_instance import (
import pytest
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock
from dspy import settings, OpenAI, DSPyAssertionError
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationError
class APIEndpoint(BaseModel):
method: str = Field(..., description="HTTP method of the API endpoint")
url: str = Field(..., description="URL of the API endpoint")
description: str = Field(
..., description="Description of what the API endpoint does"
response: str = Field(..., description="Response from the API endpoint")
query_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = Field(None, description="Query parameters")
"method": "GET",
"url": "/forecast/today",
"description": "API endpoint for retrieving meteorological conditions",
"response": "Structured summary of weather conditions",
"query_params": {"geographical_area": "string"}
Imagine a digital portal where users can inquire about meteorological conditions.
This portal is accessible through a web interface that interacts with a backend service.
The service is invoked by sending a request to a specific endpoint.
This request is crafted using a standard protocol for web communication.
The endpoint's location is a mystery, hidden within the path '/forecast/today'.
Users pose their inquiries by specifying a geographical area of interest,
though the exact format of this specification is left to the user's imagination.
Upon successful request processing, the service responds with a structured
summary of the weather, encapsulating details such as temperature, humidity,
and wind speed. However, the structure of this response and the means of
accessing the weather summary are not explicitly defined.
"method": "GET",
"url": "/forecast/today",
"description": "API endpoint for retrieving meteorological conditions",
"response": "Structured summary of weather conditions",
"query_params": {"geographical_area": "string"},
INVALID_STR = "{ 'name': 'Alice', 'age': 30, 'city': 'Wonderland' }"
def gen_pydantic_model():
with patch.object(settings, "configure"), patch.object(
OpenAI, "__init__", return_value=None
yield GenPydanticInstance(
) # Replace APIEndpoint with your Pydantic model
def test_forward_success(
mock_literal_eval, mock_chain_of_thought, mock_predict, gen_pydantic_model
# Mock responses for a successful forward pass
mock_predict.return_value.get.return_value = (
VALID_PYDANTIC_MODEL_STRING # Replace with a valid string for your model
mock_chain_of_thought.return_value.get.return_value = VALID_PYDANTIC_MODEL_STRING
mock_literal_eval.return_value = (
VALID_PYDANTIC_MODEL_DICT # Replace with a valid dict for your model
# Call the method
result = gen_pydantic_model.forward(
) # Replace with a valid prompt
assert isinstance(
result, APIEndpoint
) # Replace APIEndpoint with your Pydantic model class
@patch("ast.literal_eval", side_effect=SyntaxError)
def test_forward_syntax_error(
mock_literal_eval, mock_chain_of_thought, mock_predict, gen_pydantic_model
# Setup mock responses for a syntax error case
mock_predict.return_value.get.return_value = INVALID_STR
mock_chain_of_thought.side_effect = [
MagicMock(get=MagicMock(return_value=INVALID_STR)), # initial call
MagicMock(get=MagicMock(return_value=INVALID_STR)), # correction call
# Call the method and expect an error
with pytest.raises(DSPyAssertionError):
gen_pydantic_model.forward(prompt="///") # Replace with an invalid prompt
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