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Created February 9, 2024 23:54
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Draft of DSPy CLI
import dsp
import pathlib
import typer
from typetemp.functional import render
import dspy
from utils.create_prompts import create_pydantic_class
turbo = dspy.OpenAI(max_tokens=2000)
app = typer.Typer()
# Get the absolute path to the directory where this script is located
module_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
# Path to the templates directory
templates_dir = module_dir / "templates"
def generate_module(
name: str = typer.Argument(..., help="Name of the module to generate"),
output_key: str = typer.Option(
..., "--output-key", "-o", help="The output key for the module"
input_key: str = typer.Option(
..., "--input-key", "-i", help="The primary input key for the module"
additional_inputs: str = typer.Option(
None, "--additional-inputs", help="Comma-separated additional input keys"
"""Generates a new DSPy module with a specified name."""
template_path = templates_dir / "module_template.j2"
# Handling additional input keys
input_keys = [input_key] + (
additional_inputs.split(",") if additional_inputs else []
rendered = render(
template_path, name=name, output_key=output_key, input_key_or_keys=input_keys
def generate_signature():
"""Creates a new signature class for defining input-output behavior in DSPy modules."""
# Command logic goes here
print("This is the generate_signature command.")
def generate_chainofthought():
"""Generates a ChainOfThought module with a standard question-answering signature."""
# Command logic goes here
print("This is the generate_chainofthought command.")
def generate_retrieve():
"""Generates a Retrieve module for use in information retrieval tasks within DSPy."""
# Command logic goes here
print("This is the generate_retrieve command.")
def generate_teleprompter():
"""Creates a teleprompter setup for optimizing DSPy programs."""
# Command logic goes here
print("This is the generate_teleprompter command.")
def generate_example():
"""Generates an example structure for use in training and testing DSPy modules."""
# Command logic goes here
print("This is the generate_example command.")
def generate_assertion():
"""Generates a template for creating LM Assertions in DSPy programs."""
# Command logic goes here
print("This is the generate_assertion command.")
def write_to_file(content, filename):
with open(filename, "w") as f:
prompt = """ FastAPI route import """
def main():
# app()
# # model = PydanticSHACLGenerator().forward(prompt)
# write_to_file(model, '')
if __name__ == "__main__":
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