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Created February 16, 2024 23:07
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ChatGPT Parser with Pydantic Models
import ijson
import tiktoken
# Define the path to your large JSON file
json_file_path = "data/conversations.json"
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationError
from typing import List, Optional, Any
class Author(BaseModel):
role: str
name: Optional[str] = None
metadata: dict
class ContentPart(BaseModel):
content_type: str
parts: List[str] | None
class Message(BaseModel):
id: str
author: Author
content: ContentPart
status: str
metadata: dict
class Data(BaseModel):
id: str
message: Message | None
parent: str | None
children: List[str]
class Conversation(BaseModel):
title: str
mapping: dict
# Function to process each conversation chunk
def process_conversations_chunk(chunk):
# Define Pydantic models as before
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import List
# Process each conversation in the chunk
for chunked in chunk:
conversation = Conversation(**chunked)
# Do whatever processing you need with the conversation
# print(f"Title: {conversation.title}")
for key in conversation.mapping:
data = Data(**conversation.mapping[key])
if data.message and == "assistant":
for part in
if "rdddy" in part:
# encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model("text-embedding-ada-002")
# print(len(encoding.encode(part)))
# print(part)
except ValidationError as e:
# print(e)
# Open the JSON file for streaming
with open(json_file_path, "rb") as json_file:
conversations_generator = ijson.items(
json_file, "item"
) # Assumes each conversation is a separate JSON object
# Process the conversations in chunks (adjust the chunk size as needed)
chunk_size = 10 # Define your desired chunk size
chunk = []
for conversation in conversations_generator:
if len(chunk) >= chunk_size:
chunk = []
# Process any remaining conversations in the last chunk
if chunk:
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