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Last active October 23, 2016 23:13
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Sample Metacello Workflow
"Describe Project Structure to Create configuration"
createBaseline: '1.0-baseline'
for: 'SimpleApplescript' "Project name"
repository: ''
requiredProjects: #('OSProcess')
packages: #('CommandShell-Piping' 'SimpleApplescript')
repositories: #()
dependencies: {
('SimpleApplescript' -> #('CommandShell-Piping')).
('CommandShell-Piping' -> #('OSProcess')) }
groups: { ('default' -> #('SimpleApplescript')) }.
"Create a development version"
createDevelopment: '1.0'
for: 'SimpleApplescript'
importFromBaseline: '1.0-baseline'
description: 'initial development version'.
"Make sure our configuration is valid"
MetacelloToolBox validateConfiguration: ConfigurationOfSimpleApplescript.
"Commit the configuration (usually to the project's repository"
Gofer new
url: '';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSimpleApplescript';
commit: 'Initial version of configuration'.
"Share it - copy the configuration to the community configuration repository"
releaseDevelopmentVersionIn: ConfigurationOfSimpleApplescript
description: '- release version 1.0'.
copyConfiguration: ConfigurationOfSimpleApplescript
to: ''.
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