This is the new version of the GitHub Stargazing chapter from the original Gist.
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*
[03.0.10 - Khan Academy stars](#Khan Academy stars)
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*
This section contains subsections of everything I have starred on GitHub.
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
41 topics starred
- Linux
- Python
- html5
- JavaScript
- Shell
- Java
- Rich Text Format
- Swift
- WebVTT
- C
- C++
- Fortran
- Dart
- Jython
- ActionScript
- AngelScript
- Ruby
- F#
- C#
- Rust
- Ada
- Objective-C
- Jupyter Notebook
- vim
- Mozilla Firefox
- mit-scratch
- Scratch2
- Scratch3
- Scratch
- VBscript
- ajax
- lisp
- Scheme-language
- Applescript
- No other GitHub topics listed
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (08.03.2020)
1 kernel repository starred
- Linux kernel
- No other kernels listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
278 personal repositories starred
- WacOS
- Google Anti-privacy essentials
- Touch Pets Dogs 2 Open
- SourceBase
- SeansAudioDB
- SNU 2D News
- SNU 2D PodCast TriPod
- SNU 2D Internet Museum
- SNU BrowserNose
- SNU SuperSearch
- SNU Extras
- SNU Account setup
- SNU Accessibility
- SNU About
- SNU UserHistoryManagement
- SNU Video Settings
- SNU Server Essentials
- SNU 2D Developer log
- SNU 1D Mode
- SNU 2D Update Log
- SNU 4D Mode
- SNU 0D Mode
- SNU CardStack
- SNU Version history
- Tetris 128
- SNU 2D SQL Tests
- SNU 2D Amish Center
- SNU 2D Copypasta Kitchen
- SNU 2D CSS Test References
- SNU 2D Dashboard
- SNU 2D Dennis Ritchie Memorial
- SNU 2D Digg Mode
- SNU 2D DMail Client
- SNU 2D DownloadMoreRAM Joke page center
- SNU 2D Earth Day 2019 center
- SNU 2D Earth Day 2020 center
- SNU 2D Earth Day center
- SNU 2D HTML Test References
- SNU 2D HTTP Status code list
- SNU 2D JavaScript Math center
- SNU 2D JavaScript Test References
- SNU 2D Ken Thompson Memorial
- SNU 2D SNU 2D MalwareViru RepoMode
- SNU 2D Martin Luther King Jr Memorial
- SNU 2D Memes
- Scratch Master
- Seanpm2001 Gist Repository
- SNU 2D New Years page
- SNU 2D IdeaBoard
- SNU 2D Nitter mode
- SNU 2D Pi Day 2019
- SNU 2D PiDay 3.14 Center
- SNU 2D ProfileBuilder
- SNU 2D Programming Tools
- Tap Pet Hotel Open
- Engineer superdesk
- SNU 2D 4Chan Legends
- SNU 2D 30th anniversay of the world wide web center
- KhanAcademyData seanwallawallaofficial
- SNU 2D Slang dictionary
- SNU 2D Beliefs
- SNU 2D Blogs
- SNU 2D Books
- SNU 3D Demo
- SNU 3D Game viewer
- SNU 3D Universe
- SNU 3D Root
- SNU 2D Root
- SNU 3D Minecraft Python Edition Alpha
- BGemJam
- AudiBass Manager
- SNU Committee
- GitHubby
- AP Java Archive 2019
- Ucuntu
- uOffice
- SNU 2D AmazonCompatibilityMode
- SNU 2D SexEducation
- SNU 2D Porn
- SNU 2D Erotica
- SNU 2D Engine room
- SNU 2D Film Plaza
- SNU 2D Terror Bay
- SNU 2D Time machine
- SNU 2D Video Theater
- SNU 2D 3D Printing
- SNU 2D Algorithm
- SNU 2D Business
- SNU 2D Call Center
- SNU 2D SNU Ideaboard
- SNU 2D Plans
- SNU 2D Other references
- SNU 2D Pie Pivot-o Archive
- SNU 2D Character support
- SNU 2D BigBuckBunnyFullSuite
- SNU 2D Cache
- SNU 2D Companies
- SNU 2D Evidence Locker
- SNU 2D Clock
- SNU 2D Cloud Gaming
- SNU 2D CompuSmell project
- SNU 2D Disease Research Center
- SNU 2D Encyclopedia
- SNU 2D eSchool
- SNU 2D FileExtensionHelp
- SNU 2D FontMill
- My Linux setup
- SNU 2D Fonts
- SNU 2D Health
- SNU 2D Jobs
- SNU 2D Leap day
- SNU 2D Life stories
- SNU 2D LoopG
- SNU 2D Meme Gen
- SNU 2D Puzzle Center
- SNU 2D Questionarium
- SNU 2D Shopping
- SNU 2D Smell project
- SNU 2D Software center
- SNU 2D Speedrunners
- SNU 2D Spoofing center
- SNU 2D Streams
- SNU 2D Suicide prevention
- SNU 2D TableTop GameHouse
- SNU 2D Torrent
- SNU 2D Translate
- SNU 2D Typography docs
- SNU 2D Video
- SNU 2D Wiki
- SNU 2D Messenger
- SNU 2D SNU News
- SNU 2D Voices VoIP
- SNU 2D App startup
- SNU 2D Story bubble wand
- SNU 2D Zalgo Project
- SNU 2D Dialup Experience
- SNU 2D Twitter mode
- SNU 2D Update planning
- SNU 2D Valentines day page
- SNU 2D Valve legends resources
- SNU 2D VDictionary
- SNU 2D VM Center
- SNU 2D SNU Wiki
- SNU 2D XHTML Test references
- SNU 2D XML Testing
- SNU 2D Yourspace
- SNU 2D YouTube Mode
- SNU 2D User !666
- SNU 2D User !Heaven
- SNU 2D User Apartje
- SNU 2D User Pie Pivot-o
- SNU 2D User SeanPatrickMyrick
- SNU 2D User SeanPatrickMyrickFirefox
- SNU 2D User Staff
- SNU 2D User companies
- SNU 2D User Template Acc
- SNU 2D User TVFilthyFrank
- SNU 2D User !
- SNU 2D Users root
- SNU Lobby
- SNU Global root
- SNU BotCoach
- SNU Algorithm
- SNU Call center
- SNU Cursor Settings
- SNU Debug mode
- SNU Developer lounge
- SNU Device Manager
- SNU Documentation Center
- SNU Encryption
- SNU Font LIBrary
- SNU Government
- SNU Holiday themes
- SNU IE Engine
- SNU Legal Resource center
- SNU Mascot center
- SNU Modes
- SNU Old SWWWebsite
- SNU OS Killers
- SNU P2PSection
- MEDOS Floppy
- qMeadows_
- qMeadows file cabinet
- MEDOS AndroidApp
- Python class archive 2017
- Python class archive 2018
- SeanPM Food index
- Legendary HTML test
- ScriptKidd ToolKit
- Go-ogle
- FBI Roleplay simulator
- Talla browser
- TalkScript
- Horsin' around in the barn
- AGRAN Programming language
- MemeMachine 2019
- Windows 10 Python edition (Coming soon)
- Windows Server 2016 Python edition (Coming soon)
- SNU PFOSS Exchange (coming soon)
- SNU Playback settings (coming soon)
- SNU Policies (coming soon)
- SNU Privacy initative (coming soon)
- SNU Project Timeline (coming soon)
- SNU Protest toolkit (coming soon)
- SNU Public snapshots (coming soon)
- Daily desktop screenshots
- SNU RSS (coming soon)
- SNU Rules of the Internet (coming soon)
- SNU Scripts (coming soon)
- SNU Search (coming soon)
- SNU Snapshot tool (coming soon)
- SNU SiteLogo (coming soon)
- SNU DOM (coming soon)
- SNU Internet Front (coming soon)
- SNU Lingual (coming soon)
- SNU Signin (coming soon)
- SNU Data management (coming soon)
- SNU Editions (coming soon)
- SNU Terminal (coming soon)
- SNU Sound settings (coming soon)
- SNU StartAScript (coming soon)
- SNU System (coming soon)
- SNU System.messages (coming soon)
- SNU T3D (coming soon)
- SNU ToBeImplemented (coming soon)
- SNU Text engine (coming soon)
- SNU Textures (coming soon)
- SNU Themes (coming soon)
- SNU User filters (coming soon)
- SNU WLinkWBotW (coming soon)
- SNU Root (coming soon)
- SNU !!new (coming soon)
- Reactop
- iBlast
- Goodbye world
- Password Generator ultimate
- uDonate
- MadLIbby
- Hello world
- SPKSRC - Accidental fork, but I don't feel like deleting.
- OpenTowers
- OpenGov
- Seans OS Data
- SNU_Family tree
- SNU Ancestry
- Discord bots
- SNU Pun Parlor
- UShortcut Pro.
- SNU 2D CloudDrive
- Personal Kiosk
- Underune maker
- TrueTorrent
- Economica
- Virtual-VHS
- Reddit-bots
- Seanpm2001
- 3DE
- Matrix-lang
- HXTemplate
- LinkLax
- SNU 2D WeatherVane
- hlwojiv
- Meadows
- μMiniwave 279 No other personal projects listed
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)
3 browser extension repositories starred
- DuckDuckGo privacy extension
- Mitchweaver/subs
- uBlock
- No other browser extensions listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
2 website repositories starred
- DuckDuckGo
- No other websites listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
1 media player repository starred
- No other media players listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
3 program plugin/extension repositories starred
- Markdown++
- Jupyter notebook
- No other program plugins & extensions listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
1 wrapper repository starred
- Go-fuck-yourself - I found the idea to be funny
- No other wrappers listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
8 programming language repositories starred
- Blockly - Since I have used it in the past
- Swift
- HTML - Just a standard, also not a programming language
- Boo
- Boo-extensions
- Rust
- Go (not to be confused with Go! the language by Google)
- Star (by the creators of Go)
- No other programming languages listed
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)
2 medical repositories starred
I am really excited to be seeing medical related programs have open source alternates. This is a list of the medical software I have come across.
- Brain Tumor Detection and Segmentation using Deep Learning - I was researching the human brain and I came across this in the results.
- Skin cancer segmentation - This was recommended to me
- No other medical software listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
1 virtualization repositories started (
- MacOS VirtualBox - This is incredible that someone was able to crack Apples security and get new versions of MacOS to be run in a virtual machine
- No other virtualization projects listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
1 forked repository starred
- ChannaMy/SPKSRC - Starred to support a close family member, just because I could.
- No other forks listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
1 framework repository started
- No other frameworks listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
3 web browser repositories starred
- Firefox for iOS
- FIrefox Fenix for mobule
- Brave browser
- No other web browsers listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
1 game repository starred
- LinCity NG
- No other game repositories listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
1 VPN repository starred
- ProtonVPN Linux CLI - I switched to ProtonVPN on July 30th 2020, as my first VPN. I trust this company.
- No other VPN repositories listed
This section was last updated on July 30th 2020 (07.30.2020)
1 Khan Academy repository starred
- Khan Academy Simple Markdown
- No other Khan Academy repositories listed
This section was last updated on July 30th 2020 (07.30.2020)
1 File system repository starred
- No other file system repositories starred
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
2 miscellaneous repositories starred
- Nocode
- hlwojiv (GitHub profile secret discovery source)
- No other miscellaneous projects listed
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)
1 degoogling repository starred
- Plexus - A database for apps that don't rely on Google Play and will work on F-droid with degoogled Android
- No other degoogling projects listed
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)
1 fork of my project repository starred
- WacOS by ipwnosx - ipwnosx was the first person to fork a project on my account
- No other forks of my projects listed
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
2 wiki related repositories starred
- Xowa - Offline Wikipedia reader when you have access to the Wikipedia backup dumps
- MediaWiki - The main MediaWiki software used in various Wikis, including Wikipedia, Wiktionary, rosettacode, ArchLinux, and thousands of other sites
- No other wiki related repositories listed
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*
1 office software project listed
- LaTeX 3.0
- No other office software projects listed
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*
1 YouTuber related project listed
- BlueScreen Simulator
- No other YouTube projects listed
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*
File version: 3 (Thursday, September 3rd 2020 at 10:10 pm)
- Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56
File type: Markdown (*.md)
Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 764
Character count/size: 34,648
(34,648 bytes, 34.64 Kilobytes)
Line encoding: UNIX (LF)
- Note: LF stands for Line Feed
Word count: 764
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)
Version 1 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at 1:03 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56
- Started the new Gist
- Imported all data from the source Gist
- Added a title section
- Added an index
- Added a Gist info section
- Added a Gist version history section
- Added a footer
- No other changes in version 1
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*
Version 2 (Sunday, August 2nd 2020 at 1:35 pm)
- Updated the programming language star section
- Updated the Gist info section
- Updated the Gist version history section
- No other changes in version 2
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*
Version 3 (Thursday, September 3rd 2020 at 10:10 pm)
- Updated the title section
- Updated the index
- Added the Forks of my own projects section
- Updated the topics section
- Updated the My own projects section
- Updated the programming languages section
- Updated the miscellaneous stars section
- Added the degoogling section
- Added the Wiki projects section
- Added the office software projects section
- Added the YouTuber projects section
- Updated the Gist info section
- Updated the Gist version history section
- Updated the footer
- No other changes in version 3
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*
Version 4 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 4
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*
Version 5 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 5
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*
Version 6 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 6
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*
You have reached the bottom of this Gist.
( Go back to the main article | Go back to GistHub | Go back to GitHub )
This section was last updated on September 3rd 2020 (09.03.2020)*