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Last active March 6, 2025 02:03
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How to compile and build SNU. Make sure to read the latest completed instructions, and follow the steps exactly.


SNU Compiling and building


This listing is incomplete. Please read the latest instructions to properly build your SNU Distro


00.0 - Title

01.0 - Index

02.0 - Main info

03.0 - Directory structure

04.0 - Extracting modules

05.0 - Root modules

06.0 - Video modules

07.0 - Image modules

08.0 - Audio modules

09.0 - Programming modules

10.0 - Book modules

11.0 - NSFW modules

12.0 - Restricted modules

13.0 - Software modules

14.0 - Other modules - include 3D printing, mapping, and VR

15.0 - SNU 0D mode modules

16.0 - SNU 1D mode modules

17.0 - SNU 2D mode modules

18.0 - SNU 3D mode modules

19.0 - SNU 4D mode modules

20.0 - Gist version history

21.0 - Gist info

22.0 - Footer

Main info

Section completion status: ready for public use, needs review

I am uploading the entirety of SNU to GitHub except for files that are larger than 25 Megabytes (unfortunately, there are over 300 of them) due to limitations of GitHub and for better management, I am uploading every module separately. There are over 100 modules, and since they all link to each other, you have to build the sites file path system exactly. If there is a single capital or lowercase letter, space, or other character where it shouldn't be, it won't work (This applies to Linux systems for the capitalization part, the rest applies to Linux and other systems)

SNU has been built to be a distribution. My plan for SNU is for it to be the Linux kernel of web development, as in there will be hundreds of distributions built off of it, and people can create their own flavors. Remixing SNU is 100% OK, as long as you give credit.

I am also keeping a local version for the official master server.

Directory structure

Section completion status: ready for public use, needs review

The local version of SNU has the layout that distributions should use (unless you begin modification) however, there should be an attempt to build it correctly first. The current root master release branch is 3.0.x, and the current version (Up to June 13th 2020) is 3.0.6 (Starting June 14th 2020, version 3.0.7 will begin development, and support for 3.0.6 will end)

The main root folders are labeled as milestones with versions. Version 3x is labeled as Milestone 3, and the version number is just the major build number. Currently, there are 8 milestones set up (Milestone 8 is currently empty as of June 3rd 2020)

M3V1 - Applies to SNU 3.0.0

M3V2 - Applies to SNU 3.0.1

M3V3 - Applies to SNU 3.0.2

M3V4 - Applies to SNU 3.0.3

M3V5 - Applies to SNU 3.0.4

M3V6 - Applies to SNU 3.0.5

M3V7 - Applies to SNU 3.0.6

M3V8 - Applies to SNU 3.0.7

These are the main root folders. For certain features, you would need this folder, but this isn't too important. Inside each of these is considered the root. Within the root, there are all the directories to branch off from. I will start with dimensional modes:

0D/ This directory hosts 0D mode content. This is a single module and only has a single mountable module

1D/ This directory hosts 1D mode content. Any directory from an online repository that has 1D after SNU_ should go here

2D/ This directory hosts 2D mode content. Any directory from an online repository that has 2D after SNU_ should go here

3D/ This directory hosts 3D mode content. Any directory from an online repository that has 3D after SNU_ should go here

4D/ This directory hosts 4D mode content. Any directory from an online repository that has 4D after SNU_ should go here

These are the main graphical modes. Placing dimensional modes as instructed should be done. Any repository that doesn't have the dimensional mode info in the name should be placed outside these 5 directories.

Also, for GitHub releases, there is a ProjectWiki directory for each module. This does not need to be copied.

Now it is time for the next step...

Extracting modules

Section completion status: needs work, needs review

You will need to extract the modules in a specific way so that they have the original name. On Online repositories, I have labeled the repository name as the package, and then a single directory that contains the data. You should only take the inner directory, don't take the other one. The ProjectWiki/ directory is an extra that is used for online repositories. It is not required, but adding it won't hurt anything.

SNU Root modules

Modules located in the root folder are uncategorized parts of the site. They have to be placed upon the root directory.

Here is a list of all the SNU Root modules:

  1. SNU BrowserNose
  2. SNU Server Essentials
  3. SNU Video Settings
  4. SNU User History Management
  5. SNU About
  6. SNU Accessibility
  7. SNU Account Setup
  8. SNU Extras
  9. SNU Supersearch
  10. SourceBase

Here is a set of categorized lists for root modules


Section coming soon

Browser tinkering

Section coming soon

Server management

Section coming soon

Easter eggs

Section coming soon


Section coming soon


Section coming soon


Section coming soon


For distributions that specialize in images, or other media types along with images, you are going to want to pick out some image modules.

List unavailable


For distributions that specialize in audio, or other media types along with audio, you are going to want to pick out some audio modules.

List unavailable


For distributions that specialize in computer programming, or other media types along with computer programming, you are going to want to pick out some programming modules.

List unavailable


For distributions that specialize in books, blogs, other reading, and or other media types along with books, blogs, and other reading formats, you are going to want to pick out some reading format modules.

List unavailable


For distributions that specialize in arousing material, or other media types along with arousing material, you are going to want to pick out some arousing modules.


For pornography, you will want this module:

SNU 2D Porn


This module is not legal in certain countries, such as Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and some other countries. If you live in a country with an anti-sex law, you may get arrested for hosting this. Even if you don't live in one of these areas, you can still get your site blocked in these countries, so be absolutely sure you want your site to have this.


For erotica, you will want this module:

SNU 2D Erotica


This module is not legal in certain countries, such as Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and some other countries. If you live in a country with an anti-sex law, you may get arrested for hosting this. Even if you don't live in one of these areas, you can still get your site blocked in these countries, so be absolutely sure you want your site to have this.


This is a list of modules that are not allowed in unverified distributions. It is against SNU terms to use these modules without verification by the creator.

SNU Committee


For distributions that specialize in software, or other media types along with software, you are going to want to pick out some software modules.

List unavailable


If you need other modules in your distribution, choose between one or more of these:

List unavailable

Note: include 3D printing, mapping, and VR

SNU 0D modules

Importing SNU 0D modules is not required at all, it is merely an extra. If you are to import the 0D mode module, make sure to move the directory SNU_0D_Mode to the root of the distribution, and have the name as 0D

Here is a list of the 0D mode modules at the moment

  1. SNU 0D Mode
  2. No other planned modules

SNU 1D Modules

Importing SNU 1D modules is not required for some distributions, but it is good for fallback if the user has a slow connection. If you are to import the 1D mode module, make sure to start with the root module. Label the root module as 1D other 1D mode modules will go inside this directory

Here is a list of the current SNU 1D mode modules

  1. SNU 1D Mode
  2. No other modules at the moment

SNU 2D Modules

Importing SNU 2D modules is not required for very basic distributions, or distributions that want to focus on 3D/4D mode opposed to 2D mode. 2D mode is currently the most developed mode of SNU, and it has over a hundred modules. To start, get the SNU 2D Root module, and take the directory 2D and place it at root. After that, begin adding in the modules you want to use inside the //Root/2D/ directory.

Here is a list of the SNU 2D modules

  1. SNU Version History
  2. SNU CardStack
  3. SNU Update Log
  4. SNU 1D Mode
  5. SNU 2D Developer Log
  6. SNU 2D Internet Museum
  7. SNU 2D PodCast TriPod
  8. SNU 2D News
  9. SNU 2D SQL Tests
  10. SNU 2D AD_SYS
  11. SNU 2D Amish Center easter egg
  12. SNU 2D Copypasta Kitchen
  13. SNU 2D CSS Test References
  14. SNU 2D Dashboard
  15. SNU 2D Dennis Ritchie Memorial
  16. SNU 2D Digg mode
  17. SNU 2D DMail client
  18. SNU 2D DownloadMoreRAM(JokePage)
  19. SNU 2D Earth day 2019 page
  20. SNU 2D Earth day 2020 page
  21. SNU 2D Earth day modern page
  22. SNU 2D HTML Test references
  23. SNU 2D HTTP Status code list
  24. SNU 2D JavaScript math center
  25. SNU 2D JavaScript Test references
  26. SNU 2D KenThompsonMemorial
  27. SNU 2D MalwareViru_RepoMode
  28. SNU 2D MartinLutherKingJRMemorial
  29. SNU 2D Memes
  30. SNU 2D New Years center
  31. SNU 2D Ideaboard
  32. SNU 2D Nitter Mode
  33. SNU 2D Pi Day 2019
  34. SNU 2D PiDay_3.14Center
  35. SNU 2D ProfileBuilder
  36. SNU 2D Programming Tools
  37. SNU 2D 4Chan Legends
  38. SNU 2D 30th anniversay of the world wide web center
  39. SNU 2D Slang dictionary
  40. SNU 2D Beliefs
  41. SNU 2D Blogs
  42. SNU 2D Books
  43. SNU 2D Root

Different modules have different purposes. Here is a list of categorized lists of SNU 2D modules


Section coming soon


Section coming soon


Section coming soon


Section coming soon

Easter Egg

Section coming soon


Section coming soon

SNU 3D Modules

Importing SNU 3D modules is not required for light distributions. If you are to import 3D mode, there currently aren't very modules available for it. This is a list of the current 3D mode modules:

There currently are only 6 modules. Start out with the 3D root module. Make sure the directory labeled 3D is placed in the root. Just like the other modes, all 3D mode modules will be located inside the //Root/3D/directory. SNU 3D mode is a high-end mode and isn't meant for low end systems and Internet connections below 300.05 MB/s Download, 19.98 MB/s Upload.

Here is a set of categorized lists of 3D mode modules






SNU 4D Modules

Importing SNU 4D modules is not required for light distributions. If you are to import 4D mode, there currently aren't very modules available for it. This is a list of the current 4D mode modules:

  1. SNU 4D Mode
  2. No other 4D mode modules at the moment

Here is a set of categorized lists for 4D mode


  1. SNU 4D Mode
  2. No other root modules at the moment

SNU 4D mode is an addon for 3D mode. It should only be added if you want to have a 4D graphics option. Just like the other modes, the 4D folder hs to be mounted at root, then 4D mode modules can go inside.


This section is coming soon

End of instructions


These instructions are currently INCOMPLETE please use the most updated info to compile.

Gist version history

  1. Version 1 (Wednesday, June 3rd 2020 at 10:36 pm)


  • Added the Title section
  • Added the main info section
  • Added the directory structure section
  • Added the Extracting modules section
  • Added the compiling section
  1. Version 2 (Wednesday, June 3rd 2020 at 10:49 pm)


  • Added the Gist version history section
  • Updated the title section
  • Updated the Gist info section
  • Updated all instruction sections by adding in review info
  • Updated the directory structure section to fix a formatting error
  1. Version 3 (Thursday, June 11th 2020 at 12:24 am)


  • Updated the change log
  • Added info on SNU 3D Modules
  • Added info on SNU 2D Modules
  • Added info on SNU 1D Modules
  • Added info on SNU 0D Modules
  • Added info on SNU 4D Modules
  • Added info on SNU Root modules
  • Added info
  1. Version 4 (Thursday, June 25th 2020 at 7:55 pm)


  • Updated the version history section with a new entry for this build, plus blank entries up to version 10.
  • Fixed divider syntax
  • Added an index
  • Created separate sections for different media type modules
  • Added a footer
  • Updated the Gist info section
  1. Version 5 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon!
  1. Version 6 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon!
  1. Version 7 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon!
  1. Version 8 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon!
  1. Version 9 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon!
  1. Version 10 (Coming soon)


  • Coming soon!

Gist info

Gist version: 4 (Thursday, June 25th 2020 at 7:55 pm)

File type: Markdown (*.md)

Line count: 0,556


You have reached the end of this document!

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