This is the new version of the GitHub profile chapter from the original Gist.
My GitHub profile has gone through some changes since the beginning
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
Description 1:
Coming soon
Description 2:
Read more about me here: [](
Description 3:
I'm an experienced programmer, with the intent to make the world a much better place, and protect freedoms of the Internet. I am skilled in Python, and web dev.
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
Profile picture 1:
I am keeping a super zoomed in picture of Tux as my current profile picture, as I find it funny. I am considering changing it when I switch to Linux later this month/early August 2020, but I was thinking of a slight modification, and keeping the penguin, I find my profile picture comedic, and it gives a nice personality to the profile.
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
My pinned projects used to only be my popular projects
| u n a v a i l a b l e |
But then I switched it to a set 6 grid:
Arrangement 3 (July 18th 2020)
Arrangement 4 (July 18th 2020)
Arrangement 5 (July 18th 2020)
Arrangement 5 (July 18th 2020)
This section was last updated on July 28th 2020 (07.28.2020)
File version: 1 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at 3:47 pm)
- Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56
File type: Markdown (*.md)
Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 175
Version 1 (Saturday, August 1st 2020 at 3:47 pm) - Separated from: SeanPM_OnGitHubV56
- Started the new Gist
- Imported all data from the source Gist
- Added a title section
- Added an index
- Added a Gist info section
- Added a Gist version history section
- Added a footer
Version 2 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
You have reached the bottom of this Gist.
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