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Created January 1, 2018 16:40
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IIS AAR/URL rewrite for Reverse proxy
1 - Creat an empty directory for each appliction that requires URL re-write/AAR example: inetpub\wwwroot\sonarr
2 - Create a "Virtual Directory" in IIS for EACH application that requires AAR which points to the physical directory that you created above
3 - Set application settings at the applcation level!!! DO NOT set URL rewrite rules at server or website level
4 - you first thave to set the SITE server variables. This is done at the SITE level (See screenshot) and example in first block below.
5 - You need to configure each application individually as they each require unique headers
Server Varables example:
These values are set at site level and the file resides in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\Config
<add name="HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST" />
<add name="HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL" />
<add name="HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" />
<add name="HTTP_X_REAL_IP" />
<add name="HTTP_X_DELUGE_BASE" />
<add name="include" />
<add name="host" />
<add name="proxy_hide_header" />
<add name="HTTP_X_FRAME_OPTIONS" />
This is an example of a web.confg file that would reside in the sub application directory example \inetpub\wwwroot\sonarr\web.config
In theory, you could place the below file in that directory, replace your IP:PORT values, and IIS would be configured for AAR/URL rewrtie for that applcation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<clear />
<rule name="ReverseProxyInboundRulesonarr" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="(.*)" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll" trackAllCaptures="false" />
<set name="HTTP_X_REAL_IP" value="$remote_addr" />
<set name="HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" value="$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for" />
<set name="HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" value="" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}" />
<clear />
<rule name="Restore Encoding" preCondition="Restore HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING}" enabled="true">
<match serverVariable="HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" pattern="^(.+)" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll" trackAllCaptures="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" value="{HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_ACCEPT_ENCODING}" />
<rule name="ReverseProxyOutboundsonarr" preCondition="ResponseIsHtml1" patternSyntax="ECMAScript">
<match filterByTags="A, Area, Base, Form, Head, IFrame, Img, Input, Link, Script" pattern="^http(s)?://*)" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll" trackAllCaptures="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" value="http{R:1}://{R:2}" />
<remove name="Restore HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING}" />
<remove name="ResponselsHTML1" />
<remove name="ResponseIsHtml1" />
<remove name="NeedsRestoringAcceptEncoding" />
<preCondition name="ResponseIsHtml1">
<add input="{RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE}" pattern="^text/html" />
<preCondition name="Restore HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING}">
<add input="{RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE}" pattern=".+" />
<remove name="FTPtoVileVista" />
<clear />
<add value="phpinfo.php" />
<add value="Default.htm" />
<add value="Default.asp" />
<add value="index.htm" />
<add value="iisstart.htm" />
<add value="default.aspx" />
<add value="index.php" />
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
<urlCompression doDynamicCompression="false" />
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Hey there, cant seem to make this config work, has something changed with sonarr in the past few years?

Any input is appreciated

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