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Justin Searls searls

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searls / assembles_rich_text_facets.rb
Created January 27, 2025 21:18
Example code for working with the bluesky API and the bskyrb gem. Copyright Searls LLC, 2025. All rights reserved. Not open source, only made available for your viewing pleasure. For a license to use this code, e-mail [email protected]
class Platforms::Bsky::AssemblesRichTextFacets
# Name of the game here is to take something output by IdentifiesPatternRanges
# (which exists to identify unbreakable tokens) and use the embedded metadata
# about which of these things are hashtags and links to construct the rich text
# facet hash that bluesky wants in order to render links and hashtags
def assemble(pattern_ranges) { |range|
if range[:type] == :tag
elsif range[:type] == :link
searls / identifies_pattern_ranges.rb
Last active January 28, 2025 11:47
Truncating content to fit into a tweet-like post without accidentally truncating in the middle of a URL or a hashtag is… not fun?
class Platforms::TruncatesContent::IdentifiesPatternRanges
HASHTAG_PATTERN = /\B#\p{L}[\p{L}\p{M}\p{Nd}_]*/
# Ripped outta this
# scheme
# user:pass authentication
searls / watch
Last active January 11, 2025 20:33
Use fswatch instead of the built-in hugo server, which keeps giving me too many file errors
# Ensure fswatch is installed
if ! command -v fswatch &> /dev/null; then
echo "Installing fswatch with Homebrew..."
brew install fswatch
exit 1
# Ensure Caddy is installed for serving files
searls / extension_murderer_controller.js
Last active December 10, 2024 16:50
There's no way for web developers to prevent 1Password from thinking it can fill one-time-passwords (OTP) if they have autocomplete=one-time-code. This is madness, because 80% of these are SMS/email, and 1Password offers no way to fill these.
import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'
const BANNED_NODES = ['com-1password-button', 'com-1password-menu']
export default class extends Controller {
connect () { = new window.MutationObserver(mutations => {
mutations.forEach(mutation => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
if (BANNED_NODES.includes(node.nodeName.toLowerCase())) {
searls / resets_session_but_its_still_thursday_i_need_these.rb
Created August 15, 2024 12:28
Was genuinely surprised Rails `reset_session` doesn't accept a list of exceptions
# If you have any session variables that should survive a logout, add them to
# the except_for array. Usage from a controller:
# except_for: [:has_logged_in_before])
class ResetsSessionButItsStillThursdayINeedThese
def reset(receiver, except_for: [])
backup = { |key| [key, receiver.session[key]] }
searls / fake_markdown.rb
Created July 16, 2024 14:52
I was disappointed with the faker gem's Markdown and Lorem modules, so I wrote a custom thing that produced realistic-length paragraphs with just enough markdown junk sprinkled in to know that it's rendering correctly in my app
require "faker"
def lorem_paragraphs
rand(2..4) {
rand(4..6) {
Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: rand(10..40))
}.join(" ")
searls / tailwind_class_builder.rb
Created July 3, 2024 17:19
Here's a custom Tailwind FormBuilder for Rails. To set this up, just set ` ActionView::Base.default_form_builder = FormBuilders::TailwindFormBuilder` somewhere (and customize all the CSS classes)
class TailwindClassBuilder
include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
def button_classes(options)
button_type = options.delete(:button_type) { :button }
# general classes
"mt-4 px-1 sm:px-3 py-sm sm:py-1 font-semibold bg-transparent border rounded",
case button_type
# This is a stupid utility to squelch stdout output via puts (could do the same
# for warn; could also override stdout entirely)
# Usage in a test, after requiring and including it:
# setup do
# suppress_puts([
# /Execution context was destroyed, most likely because of a navigation/
# ])
# end
searls / validates_deeply.rb
Last active April 23, 2024 16:07
Is this overkill? Is there some other nice way to do this?
class ValidatesDeeply
Failure =, :message)
Result =, :failures)
def validate(model, visited =
return if visited.include?(model)
combine_results(, extract_failures(model)), *validate_associations(model, visited))
.light {
--accent: 183 64 233;
--accent-bright: 183 64 233;
--accent-light: 217 155 244;
--bg-primary: 249 249 249;
--bg-secondary: 230 230 230;
--border-primary: 17 24 39;