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Created March 4, 2014 03:57
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Save seaside98/9340023 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
For use on Wikia
//<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
/* User Talk Notifications
* Code by Seaside98 */
var talkWikis = window.talkWikis || [];
var pageName = window.talkName || 'Talk';
var talkNames = [];
var enUserName = encodeURIComponent(wgUserName);
//Add WikiaNotification element if not present
if (!$('#WikiaNotifications').length) {
$('#WikiaBarWrapper').before('<ul id="WikiaNotifications" class="WikiaNotifications"></ul>');
//Add option in edit menu
if (wgPageName == 'User:'+wgUserName+'/'+pageName) {
$('#WikiaPageHeader .WikiaMenuElement').append('<li class="userTalkNotify"><a href="'+enUserName+'/global.js" onclick="utnModify(\'New\')">Notify</a></li>');
//Uppercase the first letter of each wiki's name
for (var a in talkWikis) {
talkNames[a] = talkWikis[a].replace(/\b./g, function(m){ return m.toUpperCase(); });
//Check for new messages
function utnCheckWiki(z) {
//If we are on the talkpage or the cookie isn't set, then update the timestamp
if (wgServer+wgPageName == 'http://'+talkWikis[z]+'.wikia.comUser:'+wgUserName+'/'+pageName) {
$('.userTalkNotify').replaceWith('<li><a href="'+enUserName+'/global.js" onclick="utnModify(\'Old\')">Don\'t Notify</a></li>');
} else if (!$.cookie('talk'+talkWikis[z])){
} else {
//Load the edits since the last timestamp, organize the data, and then display it to the user
url: "http://"+talkWikis[z]+""+enUserName+"/"+pageName+"&rvprop=user&rvend="+$.cookie('talk'+talkWikis[z])+"&format=json",
dataType: "jsonp",
cache: false
}).done(function(data) {
var userAry = [];
var userList;
var plural;
var p; for (p in data.query.pages) { break; }
if ("revisions" in data.query.pages[p]) {
for (var i=0; i<data.query.pages[p].revisions.length; i++) {
if (userAry.length == 1) {
userList = userAry[0];
plural = 'a new message';
} else {
var userFirst = userAry.pop();
userList = userAry.join(", ")+' and '+userFirst;
plural = 'new messages';
if (wgServer == 'http://'+talkWikis[z]+'') {
$('#WikiaNotifications').append('<li><div data-type="1"><a class="sprite close-notification talkClose" onclick="utnSetStamp('+z+')" target="_blank"></a>You have <a href="http://'+talkWikis[z]+''+enUserName+'/'+pageName+'">'+plural+'</a> from '+userList+'.</div></li>');
} else {
$('#WikiaNotifications').append('<li><div data-type="1"><a class="sprite close-notification talkClose" onclick="utnSetStamp('+z+')" target="_blank"></a>You have '+plural+' on the <a href="http://'+talkWikis[z]+''+enUserName+'/'+pageName+'">'+talkNames[z]+' Wiki</a> from '+userList+'.</div></li>');
$('.talkClose').click(function() {
//Update the timestamp cookie
function utnSetStamp(z) {
//Load the last revision to get the timestamp instead of relying on the user's computer for the correct time
url: "http://"+talkWikis[z]+""+enUserName+"/"+pageName+"&rvprop=timestamp&rvlimit=1&format=json",
dataType: "jsonp",
cache: false
}).done(function(data) {
var p; for (p in data.query.pages) { break; }
//Add 1 second to the timestamp of the last edit and store it as a cookie
if ("revisions" in data.query.pages[p]) {
var curTime = (parseInt(data.query.pages[p].revisions[0].timestamp.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""))+1).toString()
$.cookie('talk'+talkWikis[z], curTime, {expires: 5, path: '/', domain: ''});
console.log('Stamp: '+curTime);
//If the page doesn't exist, prompt the user to create it
} else if (wgServer+wgPageName != 'http://'+talkWikis[z]+'.wikia.comUser:'+wgUserName+'/'+pageName) {
$('#WikiaNotifications').append('<li><div data-type="1">Please create the page <a href="http://'+talkWikis[z]+''+enUserName+'/'+pageName+'" target="_blank">User:'+wgUserName+'/'+pageName+'</a> on the '+talkNames[z]+' Wiki.</div></li>');
//Set cookie on click
function utnModify(z) {
$.cookie('talkPage'+z, wgServer.substr(7,wgServer.length-17), {path: '/', domain: ''});
//Start process of editing global.js (Using this instead of cookies for cross browser/device compatibility.)
if (wgServer+wgPageName == 'http://community.wikia.comUser:'+wgUserName+'/global.js' && ($.cookie('talkPageNew') || $.cookie('talkPageOld'))) {
var text = $('.javascript').text();
utnAddNewWiki($.cookie('talkPageNew'), $.cookie('talkPageOld'));
//Edit the text
function utnAddNewWiki(tNew, tOld) {
var wName;
text = text.replace(/\u00A0/g," "); //Annoying space character
if (tNew) {
$.cookie('talkPageNew', null, {path: '/', domain: ''});
if (text.match(/window\.talkWikis.*?=.*?\[.*?\]/)) {
text = text.replace(/window\.talkWikis.*?=.*?\[([^\]]*)/,"window.talkWikis = ['"+tNew+"',$1").replace(/window\.talkWikis.*?\[(.*?),(?=\])/,"window.talkWikis = [$1"); //Add new and check commas
} else {
text = "window.talkWikis = ['"+tNew+"'];\n"+text;
wName = tNew;
} else {
$.cookie('talkPageOld', null, {path: '/', domain: ''});
var re = new RegExp("window\\.talkWikis[\\s\\S]*?\\[(.*?)(('"+tOld+"',)|(,'"+tOld+"')|('"+tOld+"'))");
text = text.replace(re,"window.talkWikis = [$1");
wName = tOld;
$('body').prepend('<div style="width:100%;height:100%;background:white;z-index:100000000;position:absolute;opacity:.8;"><div class="utnOver" style="position:fixed;top:50%;left:50%;font-size:50px;font-weight:bold;margin-top:-40px;margin-left:-190px;color:white;background:black;border-radius:30px;padding:20px;width:360px;height:60px;text-align:center;">Editing Array...</div></div>');
//Edit the actual page
function utnEditPage(z) {
url: ""+enUserName+"/global.js&format=json",
dataType: "json"
}).done(function(data) {
var p; for (p in data.query.pages) { break; }
url: ""+enUserName+"/global.js&token="+encodeURIComponent(data.query.pages[p].edittoken),
data: {'text': text},
dataType: "json",
type: 'POST'
}).fail(function() { //It works. Even though the computer doesn't know it.
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