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Last active December 13, 2017 05:07
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[Progresive Bar] This is a port to javascript from #Javascript
const progress = ({
title = " ",
progressive = false
}) => {
// Block progression is 1/8
const blocks = ["", "▏","▎","▍","▌","▋","▊","▉","█"]
const lsep = "▏", rsep = "▕"
// Normalize value
const normalized_value = (Math.min(Math.max(value, vmin), vmax)-vmin)/Number(vmax-vmin)
const v = normalized_value * length
const x = Math.floor(v) // integer part
const y = v - x // fractional part
const i = Math.round(y*8)
const bar = Array(x).fill("█").join("") + blocks[i]
const remaining = Array(length - bar.length).fill(" ").join("")
return `${lsep}${bar}${!progressive ? remaining : ""}${rsep} ${(Math.round(normalized_value * 100 * 100) / 100)}%`
let prevStr = ""
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
prevStr = Array(prevStr.length).fill('\b').join('') + progress({value: i, vmin: 0, vmax: 999})
prevStr = ""
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
prevStr = Array(prevStr.length).fill('\b').join('') + progress({value: i, vmin: 0, vmax: 999, progressive: true})
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