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Created February 7, 2012 22:05
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Jnario Specs Overview
package introduction
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Procedures$Procedure1
import static*
import static*
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*
import static org.junit.Assert.*
import static extension*
import static extension*
import static extension*
* <p align="center"><img src="file://localhost/Users/sebastian/Desktop/Specs.png"/></p>
* *Jnario* is a framework helping you write executable software specifications.
* It leverages the expressiveness of [Xtend]( and is easy to
* integrate, as it compiles to plain [JUnit]( tests.
* In our other [presentation](
* at this EclipseCon, we demonstrate how to use Jnario for writing executable acceptance
* specifications in a business readable fashion.
* This session introduces you to *Jnario Specs* - another language of Jnario allowing
* software behavior specification on a unit level. We demonstrate how you can design and document
* your software at the same time.
* For example, this document is actually generated from a [spec]( written
* with *Jnario Specs*.
describe "Jnario Specs - BDD for Java"{
* Jnario improves the readability of tests by providing assertion methods which can extend
* any object (making use of Xtend's [extension methods](
* These assertions help you express how an object should behave. They can be combined with any
* [Hamcrest]( matcher, giving you the freedom to choose from
* a wide range of existing matchers.
it "Should-style Assertions"{
newArrayList("jnario", "java").each.should.startWith("j")
* With Jnario, debugging a failing test to discover the reason for its failure becomes
* a thing of the past. Jnario provides a special assert statement that reports, when the assertion fails,
* the value of all involved expressions.
it "Self-explaining Assertions"{
val x = 0
val y = 1
assertErrorMessageFor[assert x == 1 && y == 0].is('''
Expected x == 1 && y == 0 but:
x == 1 is false
x is 0
y == 0 is false
y is 1
* *Jnario Specs* helps you write less boilerplate code in your
* specifications. In the following example, `describe Calculator`
* references the existing Java type `Calculator`.
* Using this information Jnario will automatically create and instantiate a field `subject`,
* which you can use in your specification. It is even possible to use
* [Google Guice]( to instantiate your subjects.
it "Implicit subject creation"{
val exampleSpec = '''
package calculator
describe Calculator {
it "should automatically create an instance of Calculator called subject"{
assertThat(execute(exampleSpec), is(successful))
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