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Last active August 23, 2023 11:48
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Custom version of the Bash 'type' command, navigating symlinks and aliases.
# All my gist code is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# Video demo:
# Put this in your .bashrc or something like that
# pretty_print_directory
# - replace $HOME with ~
# - make everything before the last '/' green, and everything after white and
# bold
# - takes a single argument or reads from stdin
function pretty_print_directory () {
if [[ "$#" == 0 ]]; then
echo "$input" | \
sed -E 's:'"$HOME"':~: ; s:$HOME:~: ; s:(.*/)([^/]+):'"${green}"'\1'"${reset}${bold}"'\2'"${reset}"':'
# custom type
# - Adds the -a flag (show all matches, not just the first)
# - Pretty print paths
# - Show symlink targets.
# - If any line is an alias, highlight the first word, and include a nested
# type call for that word.
function type () {
local gray='\e[38;5;8m'
local blue='\e[34m'
local bold='\e[1m'
local reset='\e[0m'
output="$(command type -a "$@")"
# if there is no output, return
if [[ -z "$output" ]]; then
return 1
local regex_path='^[[:graph:]]+ is [[:graph:]]+$' # case "WORD is /some/path"
local regex_alias='^[[:graph:]]+ is aliased to' # case "WORD is aliased to"
local regex_is='^[[:graph:]]+ is ' # case "WORD is ..."
# For every output line
while IFS= read -r line; do
# If line has the form "WORD is /some/path", pretty print the path and add
# symlink target, if any.
if [[ "$line" =~ $regex_path ]]; then
local word="${line%% is*}"
local path="${line#* is }"
local pretty_path="$(pretty_print_directory "$path")"
local output_line="${bold}${word}${reset} is ${pretty_path}"
# symlink stuff
local symlink_path="$(realpath "$path")"
if [[ "$symlink_path" != "$path" ]]; then
local pretty_symlink_path="$(pretty_print_directory "$symlink_path")"
output_line="${output_line} ${gray}->${reset} ${pretty_symlink_path}"
printf '%b\n' "$output_line"
# If line has the form "WORD is aliased to `ALIAS ...", highlight alias
elif [[ "$line" =~ $regex_alias ]]; then
# Note that forms can be either:
# - "WORD is aliased to `ALIAS ...'" or
# - "WORD is aliased to `ALIAS'"
local word="${line%% is*}"
local rest="${line#* is aliased to \`}"
local alias="${rest%%[ \']*}"
local rest="${rest#*${alias}}"
local is_alias_different_command=false
if [[ "$word" != "$alias" ]]; then
# if the alias is different than the word, highligh as blue
local alias_highlight=${bold}
if [[ "$is_alias_different_command" = true ]]; then
printf '%b\n' "${bold}${word}${reset} is aliased to \`${alias_highlight}${alias}${reset}${rest}"
# if the alias is different, recursively call 'type' on it. Indent two spaces.
if [[ "$is_alias_different_command" = true ]]; then
local alias_output="$(type "$alias" | sed 's/^/ /')"
printf '%b\n' "$alias_output"
# If a line has the form "WORD is ...", highlight word.
# This is just the catch-all case.
elif [[ "$line" =~ $regex_is ]]; then
local word="${line%% is*}"
local rest="${line#* is }"
printf '%b\n' "${bold}${word}${reset} is ${rest}"
printf '%s\n' "$line"
done <<< "$output"
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