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tooling for Technical Analysis Equipment wellplate flourescence measurement xlsx sheet csv
# run with:
# R --no-save --no-restore --file=time-resolved-fluorescence-well-measurements.R
# Hombrechtikon tooling for Technical Analysis Equipment
filename <- 'measurement.csv'
offset <- 56
stop <- FALSE
wellMarker <- "Cycles / Well"
endMarker <- "End Time:"
testPoints <- 9
# scan file for headers and column count
data <- read.csv2(
skip = offset,
header = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
columnCount <- length(names(data))
# find all marked wells
headers <- data[,1]
# read rows of wells and their names from all header lines
getWellRows <- function (headers) {
wellRows <- NULL
wellRowNames <- NULL
headersLength <- length(headers);
stop <- FALSE
for (headerRow in 1:headersLength) {
if (! stop) {
header <- headers[[headerRow]]
if (header == endMarker) {
stop <- TRUE
} else {
if (header == wellMarker) {
wellRows <- c(wellRows, headerRow)
return (wellRows)
getWellRowNames <- function (headers) {
wellRows <- NULL
wellRowNames <- NULL
headersLength <- length(headers);
stop <- FALSE
for (headerRow in 1:headersLength) {
if (! stop) {
header <- headers[[headerRow]]
if (header == endMarker) {
stop <- TRUE
} else {
if (header == wellMarker) {
wellRowNames <- c(wellRowNames, headers[[headerRow + 1]])
return (wellRowNames)
wellRows <- getWellRows(headers)
wellRowNames <- getWellRowNames(headers)
# go through all wells
colClasses <- c("character", rep("numeric", columnCount - 1))
wellsCount <- min(length(wellRows), length(wellRowNames))
for (wellRowIndex in 1:wellsCount) {
wellRow <- wellRows[wellRowIndex]
wellRowName <- wellRowNames[wellRowIndex]
wellData <- read.csv2(
skip = offset + wellRow,
nrows = 4 + testPoints,
header = TRUE,
row.names = 1,
colClasses = colClasses,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
rownames(wellData)[1] <- 'time'
wellDataT <- data.frame(t(wellData))
# prepare for rbind distinction
wellDataT$well <- wellRowName
#debug last well
plot <- ggplot() +
geom_line(data = wellDataT, aes(x = time, y = StDev)) +
geom_line(data = wellDataT, aes(x = time, y = Mean))
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