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Last active February 16, 2025 13:42
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Script to get volume notification with dunst
# You can call this script like this:
# $./ up
# $./ down
# $./ mute
function get_volume {
amixer get Master | grep '%' | head -n 1 | cut -d '[' -f 2 | cut -d '%' -f 1
function is_mute {
amixer get Master | grep '%' | grep -oE '[^ ]+$' | grep off > /dev/null
function send_notification {
# Make the bar with the special character ─ (it's not dash -)
bar=$(seq -s "─" $(($volume / 5)) | sed 's/[0-9]//g')
# Send the notification
dunstify -i audio-volume-muted-blocking -t 8 -r 2593 -u normal " $bar"
case $1 in
# Set the volume on (if it was muted)
amixer -D pulse set Master on > /dev/null
# Up the volume (+ 5%)
amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%+ > /dev/null
amixer -D pulse set Master on > /dev/null
amixer -D pulse sset Master 5%- > /dev/null
# Toggle mute
amixer -D pulse set Master 1+ toggle > /dev/null
if is_mute ; then
dunstify -i audio-volume-muted -t 8 -r 2593 -u normal "Mute"
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mirkorm commented Feb 14, 2018

Hi, I'm very interested in your script, it's actually what I was looking for, but I'm very new to linux and can't figure out how to run it: I'm running lubuntu and I installed dunst following this guide and it works, since notifications are now run by dunst, the problem is that I don't have a usr/share/dunst folder, which as I understand is the default installation folder, so I have no clue where to put the file.

Thank you very much

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m-wells commented Mar 1, 2018

Anyway you could do a similar implementation for brightness using xbacklight?

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dunstify: command not found

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Nice work! But you can improve this via using sh not bash and also you should change the timeout of the notifications because dunstify gets timeout info in milliseconds not seconds.

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dunstify: command not found

You should install Dunst

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When I use this the notification window itself gets larger/smaller together with the bar, but the example in the gif doesn't. What's happening?

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Use -D pulse in get_volume and is_mute functions for consistency

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jtrees commented Jan 27, 2021

dunstify: command not found

It seems dunstify is only included with dunst by default starting with version 1.5.0:

For instance, if you installed dunst via apt on Ubuntu 18.04, you will not have it.

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kellya commented Jun 17, 2022

This didn't work "out of the box" for me on fedora 36. I made some modifications to get it to work, and added some customizations like choosing the bar character and added an "mtoggle" argument to toggle the microphone.

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for whatever reason the notification disappears immediately, all other dunst notifications stay on the screen longer. (archlinux Hyprland, if it has any effect)

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ZXZhIGVsZmll commented May 23, 2023

for whatever reason the notification disappears immediately, all other dunst notifications stay on the screen longer. (archlinux Hyprland, if it has any effect)

Found on dunstify --help
-t, --timeout=TIMEOUT The time in milliseconds until the notification expires

Change to a larger value. So "-t 1000" will be 1 second.

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