First install openjdk with brew.
I typically use Nix, but for this setup to work the cacerts bundle must be mutable, which is (for good reason) not supported in Nix. There is a relevant discussion here that I have not had time to look into.
brew install openjdk@23
Then create a .bazelrc
with a custom javabase:
# .bazelrc
startup \
Try bazel info
for good measure:
bazel info
For bazel build
to work, the Zscaler cert must be merged into the trust store, which is located at $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts
. Capture this path:
CACERTS_PATH="$(bazel info java-home)/lib/security/cacerts"
There is probably some way to export the Zscaler cert programmatically with a combination of openssl, awk, and the like, but it is easier to open Keychain Access, then go to File > Export Items, then export the cert in PEM format to some location, e.g. ~/Documents/zscaler.cer
Then add it to the system certstore with:
keytool \
-importcert \
-file ~/Documents/zscaler.cer \
-alias zscaler \
-keystore $CACERTS_PATH \
-storepass changeit
Now it should be possible to build with bazel build