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Created February 16, 2016 19:10
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$Parameters = @{
CimSession = $CimSession
ClassName = 'Win32_NTLogEvent'
Filter = $Filter
ErrorAction = 'Continue'
ErrorVariable = 'Errors'
Get-CimInstance @Parameters | foreach {
# Convert the TimeGenerated property to an elastic compatible format
$TimeCreated = $_.TimeGenerated.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffffff00K")
# DateCreated property used for elastic indexing
$DateCreated = $_.TimeGenerated.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
# Enumerate event type from value
$EventType = switch ($_.EventType) {
5 { 'FailureAudit' }
4 { 'SuccessAudit' }
3 { 'Information' }
2 { 'Warning' }
1 { 'Error' }
default { 'None' }
# Create a custom object
$EventLogEntry = [pscustomobject]@{
Id = $_.ComputerName + '-' + $_.RecordNumber # or [Guid]::NewGuid().Guid
TimeCreated = $TimeCreated
DateCreated = $DateCreated
EventId = $_.EventCode
ComputerName = $_.ComputerName
Level = $EventType
Provider = $_.SourceName
LogName = $_.LogFile
Category = $_.CategoryString
Type = $_.Type
InsertionStrings = $_.InsertionStrings
Message = $_.Message
User = $_.User
# Give object a TypeName for indexing into elastic
$EventLogEntry.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'eventlogentry')
Write-Output $EventLogEntry
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