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Created December 10, 2024 15:11
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Direct solution weights: [0.79, 0.85, 0.84]
Forward output: [111, 117, 116]
Loss: 0
def direct_solution(target_string):
return [(ord(c) - 32) / 100.0 for c in target_string]
def forward(weights):
return [32 + round(w * 100) % 95 for w in weights]
def loss_fn(output, target):
return sum((o - t) ** 2 for o, t in zip(output, target))
if __name__ == "__main__":
target_str = "out"
target = [ord(c) for c in target_str]
weights_direct = direct_solution(target_str)
output_direct = forward(weights_direct)
loss_direct = loss_fn(output_direct, target)
print("Direct solution weights:", weights_direct)
print("Forward output:", output_direct)
print("Loss:", loss_direct)
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