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Created June 27, 2020 13:22
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shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D spritesheet; // Should be a slice image as exported from Magica Voxel
uniform int slice_count = 1; // The number of slices
uniform vec2 camera_vec = vec2( 1., 1. ); // Recomend using (1,1) or (1,1.5)
uniform float camera_ang = 0.0; // change this to change the view angle of the object
const vec2 center = vec2( 0.5 );
bool scale_and_rotate_with_offset( inout vec2 uv, vec2 sxy, float ang, vec2 cent, vec2 offset )
mat2 trmat = mat2( vec2( sxy.x * cos( ang ), -sxy.x * sin( ang ) ), vec2( sxy.y * sin( ang ), sxy.y * cos( ang ) ) );
uv = trmat * ( uv - cent ) + cent - ( offset * sxy ) * inverse( trmat );
if( uv.x < 0. || uv.x > 1. || uv.y < 0. || uv.y > 1. ) return false;
return true;
vec4 texture_slice( vec2 uv, int sliceno )
float slice_height_uv = 1. / float( slice_count );
vec2 sliceuv = uv;
sliceuv.y *= slice_height_uv;
sliceuv.y += float( sliceno ) * slice_height_uv;
return textureLod( spritesheet, sliceuv, 0. );
void vertex()
VERTEX *= 4.0;
void fragment()
vec2 uvx = UV;//floor( UV / ( TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE / 4.0 ) ) * ( TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE / 4.0 );
//uvx.y = floor( uvx.y / ( TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.y / 4.0 ) ) * TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.y / 4.0;
vec2 uv = ( uvx - vec2( 0.5 ) ) * 4.0 + vec2( 0.5 );
vec4 c;
vec2 py = vec2( 0., 1.*TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.y );
vec2 camera_vec_norm = normalize( camera_vec );
float sliceno = 0.0;
for( sliceno = 0.0; sliceno < float( slice_count ); sliceno += 0.25 )
vec2 uv1 = uv;
if( scale_and_rotate_with_offset( uv1, camera_vec, camera_ang, center, -camera_vec.y * float( sliceno ) * py ) )
//vec2 pxs =
vec4 c1 = texture_slice( uv1, slice_count - int( sliceno ) - 1 );
if( c1.a > 0. ) c = c1;
COLOR = c;
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I fixed GLES2+WebGL exports and format compatibility.

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