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Created July 8, 2021 18:09
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useGesture Example
import appActor from '../state/actors/app';
import { useGesture } from '@use-gesture/react'
import { useEffect, useRef } from "react"
import { getCamera } from "../cameras/usePanZoom";
export function usePanZoomEvents() {
const panZoomStartPositionInWorldSpace = useRef()
useEffect(() => {
// As per the use-react-gesture document on pinching, we disable the safari gesture events
document.addEventListener('gesturestart', e => e.preventDefault())
document.addEventListener('gesturechange', e => e.preventDefault())
const eventsOfInterest = [
const eventListeners = => {
const listener = (event) => {
document.addEventListener(eventName, listener);
return listener;
return () => {
eventListeners.forEach((listener, index) => {
document.removeEventListener(eventsOfInterest[index], listener);
}, [])
onWheel: ({ event, delta }) => {
getCamera().x + delta[0] * getCamera().z,
getCamera().y + delta[1] * getCamera().z,
// This only gets called when a pure translation occurs, and happens from
// "mousewheel" gestures. On touchpads
onPinch: ({ pinching, da, origin, offset, }) => {
// Notify app state machine a session of mix camera panning and/or zooming has stopped
if (!pinching) {
panZoomStartPositionInWorldSpace.current = undefined
// Notify app state machine a session of mix camera panning and/or zooming has started
if (panZoomStartPositionInWorldSpace.current === undefined) {
// Remember the starting world position of the pinch gesture
panZoomStartPositionInWorldSpace.current = getCamera().screenToWorld({ x: origin[0], y: origin[1] });
// Calculate new zoom
// The 320 is a magic number that we can tweak more to get the exact zoom speed we want
// I wish it was more exact, as in where your fingers start in world coordinates are where
// they end in world coordinates
let deltaZ =[0] / 320.0 * getCamera().z;
if (getCamera().z + deltaZ < getCamera().minZoom) {
deltaZ = getCamera().minZoom - getCamera().z;
} else if (getCamera().z + deltaZ > getCamera().maxZoom) {
deltaZ = getCamera().maxZoom - getCamera().z;
const newZ = getCamera().z + deltaZ;
// Calculate new translation
const cameraSpace = {
x: -(origin[0] - window.innerWidth / 2.0) * newZ + panZoomStartPositionInWorldSpace.current.x,
y: -(origin[1] - window.innerHeight / 2.0) * newZ + panZoomStartPositionInWorldSpace.current.y
// Now set it, this will trigger all hooks that listen for camera position changes
getCamera().setPosition(cameraSpace.x, cameraSpace.y, newZ);
domTarget: document.querySelector(".tool-background"),
eventOptions: { passive: false }
// We nest this element which actually does all the event binding, so that hooks like
// useGesture don't trigger renders on every pan/zoom related event
function DocumentEventsInner() {
return <></>
// Include this element to setup all the app events that are attached to document.body or window
function DocumentEvents() {
return <DocumentEventsInner />
export default DocumentEvents;
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