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Created October 20, 2024 03:56
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various correct solutions with different local models
# see -
def find_combinations(target_product):
combinations = []
for i in range(1, target_product):
for j in range(i + 1, target_product):
k = target_product // (i * j)
if k > j and i * j * k == target_product:
combinations.append((i, j, k))
return combinations
target_product = 108
combinations = find_combinations(target_product)
print(f"All combinations of three distinct positive integers that multiply to {target_product}:")
for combo in combinations:
from itertools import permutations
def find_factors(target):
"""Finds all unique combinations of three distinct positive integers that multiply to the target."""
factors = []
for i in range(1, int(target**0.33) + 1): # Optimize by checking up to cube root
for j in range(i + 1, int(target**(0.5)) + 1): # Optimize by checking up to square root
k = target // (i * j)
if i * j * k == target and i < j < k: # Ensure distinct and ordered
factors.append((i, j, k))
return factors
target = 108
result = find_factors(target)
print(f"The ways to express {target} as a product of three distinct positive integers are:")
for factor_set in result:
def find_triplets(product):
Find all distinct triplets of positive integers that multiply to the given product.
product (int): The target product.
list[tuple[int, int, int]]: A list of distinct triplets.
triplets = set() # Use a set to avoid duplicates
factors = [i for i in range(1, product + 1) if product % i == 0]
for a in factors:
for b in factors:
if a != b: # Ensure a and b are distinct
c = product // (a * b)
if a != c and b != c and a * b * c == product: # Ensure c is distinct and product matches
triplet = tuple(sorted((a, b, c))) # Sort to ensure uniqueness
return list(triplets)
# Example usage
product = 108
triplets = find_triplets(product)
print(f"Distinct triplets with a product of {product}:")
for triplet in triplets:
import itertools
def find_triplets():
# Define the target product
target_product = 108
# Generate all possible triplets of distinct positive integers
triplets = list(itertools.combinations(range(1, target_product + 1), 3))
# Filter the triplets that have a product of 108
valid_triplets = [triplet for triplet in triplets if triplet[0] * triplet[1] * triplet[2] == target_product]
return valid_triplets
# Find and print all valid triplets
triplets = find_triplets()
for i, triplet in enumerate(triplets):
print(f"Triplet {i+1}: {triplet}")
def find_triplets(product):
solutions = []
# Loop through all possible values for the first number
for i in range(1, int(product**(1/3)) + 1):
if product % i == 0:
# Loop through all possible values for the second number
for j in range(i + 1, int((product / i)**(1/2)) + 1):
if product % j == 0:
# Calculate the third number
k = product // (i * j)
# Check if the third number is distinct from the first two numbers
if k > j:
solutions.append((i, j, k))
return solutions
# Define the product
product = 108
# Find and print all the solutions
solutions = find_triplets(product)
for solution in solutions:
def find_triplets(product):
triplets = []
# Iterate through possible values for the first integer
for i in range(1, product + 1):
if product % i == 0:
# Iterate through possible values for the second integer
for j in range(i + 1, product // i + 1):
if (product // i) % j == 0:
k = product // (i * j)
if j < k:
triplets.append((i, j, k))
return triplets
# Define the product
product = 108
# Find all triplets
triplets = find_triplets(product)
# Print the results
print("The triplets of distinct positive integers whose product is 108 are:")
for triplet in triplets:
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