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Created November 19, 2022 17:54
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import xml.parsers.expat
import sys,gzip,string
_name = ''
_manf = ''
_year = 0
_desc = ''
_srcfile = ''
_tag = None
_cpus = []
_audio = []
# 3 handler functions
# <machine name="3bagflnz" sourcefile="aristmk4.c" cloneof="3bagflvt" romof="3bagflvt" sampleof="3bagflvt">
def start_element(name, attrs):
global _name, _tag, _manf, _srcfile
_tag = name
if name == 'machine' and attrs['isdevice'] != 'yes':
#if attrs.get('cloneof'):
# _name = None
# _tag = None
# return
_name = attrs['name']
_srcfile = attrs['sourcefile']
elif name == 'chip':
if attrs['type'] == 'cpu':
if attrs['tag'] == 'maincpu':
elif attrs['type'] == 'audio':
name = attrs['name']
if name != 'Speaker':
def end_element(name):
_tag = None
if name == 'machine' and _name:
print('%s,"%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s"' % (_year,_name,_srcfile,_desc,_manf,' '.join(_cpus),' '.join(_audio)))
_audio[:] = []
_cpus[:] = []
def char_data(data):
global _manf, _year, _desc
data = data.strip()
if len(data):
if _tag == 'manufacturer':
_manf = data
elif _tag == 'year':
_year = data
elif _tag == 'description':
_desc = data
p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
p.StartElementHandler = start_element
p.EndElementHandler = end_element
p.CharacterDataHandler = char_data
#with'allroms.xml.gz','r') as f:
with open('allroms.xml','rb') as f:
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