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Last active May 20, 2022 12:16
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Adcrap content scrapper for lay users. (20220520-1)
(() => {
try {
const el = document.querySelector('p[id][style="display: none;"]')
const inline = (' ' + el.innerHTML).slice(1)
const content = decodeURIComponent(escape((window.atob(inline))))
} catch (error) {
// Version: 20220520-1
// Thanks to 2022 List-KR contributors.
// This is copyleft content, you may improve and suggest your version on List-KR!
[List-KR] Unknown error encountered!
We noticed that you encountered the error during the execution!
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#1 Do CTRL+SHIFT+U or OPTION+CMD+U and copy all of the content shown.
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- Mozilla Pastebin:
<GitHub Gist>
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2. Choose language to Html (optional)
3. Paste the content and click the button on top right.
4. Copy the link and paste to the issue on List-KR.
#2 Copy the following content and paste the link with the HTML above in section 1.
#3 Paste all links on List-KR issue thread.
Thank you for your contribution to List-KR.
Make sure that you need to leave the device and browser information too!
Otherwise, you may check newer version on the link.
<Latest issue thread URLs>
// Thanks to 2022 List-KR contributors.
// This is copyleft content, you may improve and suggest your version on List-KR!
[List-KR] We've copied the advertisement script into your clipboard!
Please upload your script via GitHub Gists or Mozilla Pastebin and paste the link to the issue thread.
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- Mozilla Pastebin:
<GitHub Gist>
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2. Set filename ending with '.js'
3. Create *PUBLIC* gist
4. Copy the link and paste to the issue on List-KR.
<Mozilla Pastebin>
1. Choose expiration option to 'Expire in one week'
2. Choose language to JavaScript (optional)
3. Paste the content and click the button on top right.
4. Copy the link and paste to the issue on List-KR.
Otherwise, you may check newer version on the link.
<Latest issue thread URLs>
(() => {
try {
const el = document.querySelector('p[id][style="display: none;"]')
const inline = (' ' + el.innerHTML).slice(1)
const content = decodeURIComponent(escape((window.atob(inline))))
} catch (error) {
// Version: 20220520-1
// Thanks to 2022 List-KR contributors.
// This is copyleft content, you may improve and suggest your version on List-KR!
[List-KR] 알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다!
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#1 CTRL+SHIFT+U 또는 OPTION+CMD+U를 누르고 보여진 내용을 모두 복사하세요.
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#3 List-KR 이슈 스레드에 모든 링크를 붙여넣어주세요.
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혹은 다음 URL에서 스크립트의 최신 버전을 확인해주세요
<최신 이슈 스레드 URL>
// Version: 20220520-1
// Thanks to 2022 List-KR contributors.
// This is copyleft content, you may improve and suggest your version on List-KR!
[List-KR] 저희는 방금 광고 스크립트를 클립보드에 붙여넣었습니다!
GitHub Gists나 Mozilla Pastebin에 스크립트를 업로드하고 그 링크를 붙여주세요.
List-KR에 기여해주셔서 감사합니다.
광고 스크립트가 정상적으로 복사되지 않았다고 생각되시면 다음 내용을 따라주세요.
- GitHub Gist:
- Mozilla Pastebin:
<GitHub Gist>
1. Gist에 로그인하세요
2. '.js'로 끝나는 임의의 파일명을 설정하세요
3. *공개* Gist를 생성하세요
4. 링크를 복사하고 List-KR의 이슈에 남겨주세요
<Mozilla Pastebin>
1. 만료일을 'Expire in one week'로 설정해주세요
2. 언어를 JavaScript로 선택해주세요 (선택)
3. 내용을 붙여넣고 우측 상단의 버튼을 누릅니다
4. 링크를 복사하고 List-KR의 이슈에 남겨주세요
혹은 다음 URL에서 스크립트의 최신 버전을 확인해주세요
<최신 이슈 스레드 URL>
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