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Last active December 21, 2015 07:29
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  • Save seifsallam/6271510 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save seifsallam/6271510 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This the bash_profile for my local development settings. ( Command + Name ) or ( Command + Project initials ) or ( Command Initials ) Hope this helps, if you have more tips, I'd love to hear them.
# Color Terminal
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced
# Local Settings
alias ebash='vim ~/.bash_profile' # Edit bash
alias sbash='source ~/.bash_profile' # Source Bash
alias evars='vim ~/.rbenv/vars' # Edit rbenv Variables
alias pvars='rbenv vars' # Print rbenv Variables
# Services
alias mdb='mongod' # MongoDB
alias rdb='redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf' # RedisDB
# Project
alias cdb='cd ~/Documents/Backend' # Set directory Backend: set direcotry for project
alias opb='open ~/Documents/Backend' # Open Backend: Reveal project in finder
alias sb='cdb; open backend.sublime-project' # Sublime Backend: Go to project direcotry, and open Project using (Default will open by sublime text)
## Backend
alias fd='foreman start -f' # Forman Dev: Run forman development setup
alias rc='rails c' # Rails Console (Yes I'm that lazy)
alias ccache='rm -rf tmp/cache/' # Clear Cache
alias reindex='rake db:mongoid:create_indexes' # Re-Indix: Run rake reindex database for mongoid
alias swatchr='watchr .watchr' # Start Watcher: Run watchr to monitor changes in RSPEC and run test
## Webapp
alias gs='grunt server' # Grunt server
alias gsf='grunt server --force' # Grunt server Force (Its handy not break the project for missing semi-colon)
alias gb='grunt build' # Grunt build
alias gbs='grunt build; grunt server:dist' # Grunt build Server: Grunt build then run Distribution
alias gd='rsync -avz -e ssh dist/* user@ip:/home/user/webapp' # Rsync distribution to server
## Heroku
alias gph='git push heroku master' # Git Push Heroku
# Remote Settings
alias ssh_stag='ssh user@ip' # SSH Staging
alias dstag='mina stag deploy' # Deploy Staging
alias dstag_unlock='mina stag deploy:force_unlock' # Deploy Staging unlock
alias lstag='mina stag logs' # Log Staging
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use grunt <command> -v for verbose mode in Grunt it can be handy sometimes

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