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Last active June 18, 2017 05:11
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  • Save seigler/6ebb7033ca0c9c01e23aa64b255d8ce3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save seigler/6ebb7033ca0c9c01e23aa64b255d8ce3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hashtag photo collector
urldecode() { : "${*//+/ }"; echo -e "${_//%/\\x}"; }
twurl "/1.1/search/tweets.json?q=%23$hashtag+filter:images&result_type=recent&count=100&tweet_mode=extended" > ${json}
while true; do
count=`cat ${json} | jq ".statuses | length"`
(( "$count" )) || break
echo "Found $count more tweets"
cat ${json} | jq -r ".statuses[] | (.full_text | match(\"$regex\").string) + \" \" +[]?.media_url" >> addresses.txt
cat ${json} | jq -r ".statuses[] | if (.full_text | test(\"$regex\")) then[]?.media_url else empty end" | wget -nc -q --show-progress -i -
nexturl=`cat ${json} | jq -r ".search_metadata.next_results"`
nexturl=`urldecode $nexturl`
twurl "/1.1/search/tweets.json$nexturl&tweet_mode=extended" > ${json}
rm ${json}
Copy link

seigler commented Jun 18, 2017

You will have to set up twurl and install jq first, but afterwards, this script will download all the photos matching a certain hashtag and a certain regular expression. It saves the photos with wget to the local folder.

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