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Created November 13, 2020 08:03
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<!-- Test data -->
<parent name="data" >
<child id="1" name="alpha" >Some Text</child>
<child id="2" name="beta" >
<grandchild id="2.1" name="beta-alpha" ></grandchild>
<grandchild id="2.2" name="beta-beta" ></grandchild>
<pet name="tigger" type="cat" >
<birthday month="sept" day="19" ></birthday>
<food name="Acme Cat Food" ></food>
<pet name="Fido" type="dog" >
Large dog!
<birthday month="feb" day="3" ></birthday>
<food name="Acme Dog Food" ></food>
This are my statements
```SelenideElement parent = $(By.xpath(//parent[@name = 'data'])
SelenideElement pet = parent.$(By.xpath(.//pet[@name='Fido'])```
I try to get the element "parent" and then search for child element from the variable "parent".
But I get -> `NoSuchElementException: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":".//pet[@name='Fido']}`
But when I execute
```SelenideElement pet = parent.$(By.xpath(//parent[@name = 'data']//pet[@name='Fido'])
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