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Last active January 13, 2016 21:35
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Overview of Clojure syntax and some other basics
;;primitive types ;;
42 ;;java.lang.Long
42.0 ;;java.lang.Double
"foo" ;;java.lang.String
true ;;java.lang.Boolean
:bla ;;clojure.lang.Keyword
;;unique identifiers, much like symbols in Ruby
;;used for e.g. map keys
'foo ;;clojure.lang.Symbol
;;like Symbol but used for identifying bound names
;;prefix with ' to prevent automatic dereferencing
;;leaving out ' will return the value bound to the symbol
;;data structures (literals) ;;
[1 2 3] ;;"vector" clojure.lang.PersistentVector
{:foo 1 :bar 2} ;;"map" clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap
{42.0 "bar" :x 2} ;;keys can be of any type, they just have to be unique in the map
'() ;;"list" clojure.lang.PersistentList
(+ 1 2) ;;lists not prefixed with ' are treated as function calls
#{1 2 3 4} ;;"set", can only contain unique elements
;;calling functions ;;
(+ 1 2)
(println "foo")
;;binding to a name ;;
(def foo 42) ;;bind value (42) to a name (foo)
;;name will be added to current namespace
(def core:foo 1) ;;name will be added to "core" namespace
;;defining functions ;;
(fn [x y] (+ x y)) ;;anonymous function
#( %1 %2) ;;shorthand with just positional arguments
#(* % 2) ;;shorthand with just one argument (no numbering needed)
(def foo (fn [x] (* x x))) ;;bind an anonymous function to a name
(defn foo [x] (* x x)) ;;shorthand for function binding
(defn "doc string" foo [x] (* x x)) ;;providing a documentaiton string for the function
(doc foo) ;;get the doc string from an existing function
;;threading macros ;;
;;refactor this:
(map (fn [x] (* x x))
(map inc [1 2 3])))
;;into this:
(->> [1 2 3]
(map inc)
(map (fn [x] (* x x)))
;; ->> inserts the payload as the last argument of the provided forms
;; -> inserts the payload as the first argument (or more precisely: the second list element) of the forms
;; Namespaces ;;
;declare current namespace and create it if it doesn't exist
(in-ns ;; maps to source file location src/foo/bar/bla.clj
;load stuff from other namespaces
(require ' ;;loads the namespace from foo/bar.clj
( 1 2 3) ;;call a function from another namespace directly
(refer ' ;;import all symbols from a namespace
(bla 1 2 3) ;;now they are usable lie this, but may collide with existing bindings
(refer '[ :only bla]) ;;cherry pick items from the referred namespace to avoid collisions
(alias 'things ' ;;alias a namspace to different name
(use ' ;;shorthand for (require ...)(refer ...)
(use '[ :as things]) ;;shorthand for (require ...)(refer ...)(alias ...)
;;remeber: (use ...) still produces collisions with existing bindings!
(use '[ :as things :only [bla]]) ;;import a namespace, alias it and cherry pick stuff from it, all in one call
;; the (ns) macro
(ns awesome.project ;;switch to and create awesome.stuff
(:require [ :as things] ;;load and alias two namespaces without importing the 1st one's names
[foo.blurb :as stuff :refer [one-thing]]) ;;while importing cetain names from the 2nd one
;;note: don't quote (' prefix) the names in the ns macro

Reload a project on the Lein REPL

Replace "project" with actual project name.

(require 'project.core :reload)
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