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Created April 7, 2019 00:05
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Space Engineer - Full Haul Detection
(Mining) Capacity Exceeded Indicator.
When the percentage of used volume becomes too high for selected
cargo containers it will toggle indicators, for example a light.
Put the following texts in "Custom Data" to configure the
1. To mark a Cargo Container as included in the calculation,
add to its custom data:
Drills are automatically included.
2. To mark an indicator (e.g. a light), the indicator will
simply be turned on/off, put this in its data:
indicator = true
3. You can change the treshold from the default 95% full by
adding a value to the programmable block. For example to
change the treshold to 60% do this:
treshold = 60
4. If you simply want to use all cargo containers on the ship
you can just add to the programmable block:
containers = all
// We need TerminalBlocks because Drills have internal storage.
const string INI_SECTION = "miner-inventory-status";
List<IMyTerminalBlock> _containers = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
List<IMyFunctionalBlock> _indicators = new List<IMyFunctionalBlock>();
MyIni _ini = new MyIni();
int _treshold = 95; // Percent
bool _useAllCargoContainers = false;
ChangeTrigger<bool> _indicatorsActive = new ChangeTrigger<bool>(false);
private bool IsMinerContainer(IMyTerminalBlock block)
if (block.InventoryCount == 0) return false;
if (block is IMyShipDrill) return true;
if (!(block is IMyCargoContainer)) return false;
// Don't include bases you are docked with for example.
if (!Me.IsSameConstructAs(block)) return false;
if (_useAllCargoContainers) return true;
// Check if explicitly enabled.
MyIniParseResult result;
if (!_ini.TryParse(block.CustomData, out result)) return false;
return _ini.ContainsSection(INI_SECTION);
// Assumes IMyTerminalBlock satisfies IsMinerContainer
private MyTuple<MyFixedPoint, MyFixedPoint> GetVolumeUsedAndTotal(IMyTerminalBlock block)
MyFixedPoint total = 0;
MyFixedPoint used = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < block.InventoryCount; ++i)
var inventory = block.GetInventory(i);
total += inventory.MaxVolume;
used += inventory.CurrentVolume;
return MyTuple.Create(used, total);
private float GetPercentUsage()
var summed = _containers.Select(GetVolumeUsedAndTotal).Aggregate((a, b) => MyTuple.Create(a.Item1 + b.Item1, a.Item2 + b.Item2));
return (float)summed.Item1 / (float)summed.Item2 * 100.0f;
private void UpdateContainerList()
GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyTerminalBlock>(_containers, IsMinerContainer);
private void UpdateIndicatorList()
GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType<IMyFunctionalBlock>(_indicators, b =>
if (_ini.TryParse(b.CustomData, INI_SECTION))
return _ini.Get(INI_SECTION, "indicator").ToBoolean(false);
return false;
private void Configure()
if (_ini.TryParse(Me.CustomData, INI_SECTION))
_treshold = _ini.Get(INI_SECTION, "treshold").ToInt32(95);
_useAllCargoContainers = _ini.Get(INI_SECTION, "containers").ToString().ToLower() == "all";
// Set initial indicator status.
_indicatorsActive = new ChangeTrigger<bool>(false, newEnabled =>
_indicators.ForEach(b => b.Enabled = newEnabled);
}, triggerNow: true);
public Program()
Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update100;
//public void Save()
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)
if (updateSource.HasFlag(UpdateType.Terminal))
var usage = GetPercentUsage();
var aboveTreshold = Math.Round(usage) >= _treshold;
$@"Found {_containers.Count} valid containers
Found {_indicators.Count} indicators
Treshold is set to {_treshold}%
Containers are at {usage:F1}% usage
_indicatorsActive.Value = aboveTreshold;
public class ChangeTrigger<T>
public ChangeTrigger(T initialValue, Action<T> onChange = null, bool triggerNow = false)
_value = initialValue;
this.OnChange = onChange;
if (triggerNow)
void Reset(T newValue)
_value = newValue;
void Update(T currentValue)
this.Value = currentValue;
void ForceTrigger()
public static implicit operator T(ChangeTrigger<T> ct)
return ct._value;
public Action<T> OnChange { get; set; }
public T Value
return _value;
bool change = !(_value.Equals(value));
_value = value;
if (change)
private T _value;
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