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Last active November 13, 2023 07:27
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Clean ~/Downloads and ~/Pictures/Screenshots on Linux - remove old files and empty directories
# Written by Senko Rasic <[email protected]> and released unto Public Domain.
# Save this to ~/.local/bin/clean-transient-folders. Then add it to
# your user crontab with a rule like this:
# # Run this every day at 5am
# 0 5 * * * /home/<user>/.local/bin/clean-transient-folders
# Alternatively, set up a systemd timer:
# First, create a service unit file called
# ~/.config/systemd/user/clean-transient-folders.service that looks
# like this:
# [Unit]
# Description=Clean Transient Folders
# [Service]
# ExecStart=%h/.local/bin/clean-transient-folders
# Then, create a timer file called
# ~/.config/systemd/user/clean-transient-folders.timer that looks
# like this:
# [Unit]
# Description=Clean Transient Folders Timer
# [Timer]
# OnCalendar=hourly
# Unit=clean-transient-folders.service
# [Install]
# (Adjust paths and timer intervals as needed)
# Stop immediately if there are any errors
set -e
# Directories to clean up, space-separated
DIRS="$HOME/Downloads $HOME/Pictures/Screenshots"
# Files older than 6 days will be removed
for DIR in $DIRS; do
# This is used to prevent the directory from being completely
# empty and thus appearing in the empty directories list later.
touch "$DIR/.last-clean"
# Find and remove files older than 6 days
find "$DIR" -type f -mtime "+${TTL}" -delete
# Find and remove empty directories
find "$DIR" -type d -empty -delete
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senko commented Nov 4, 2023

Updated so it can work on multiple directories (see $DIRS).

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