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Created September 17, 2012 05:00
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Plan for HackerSchool Fall 2012
GOAL: Become a much, much better programmer:
Get better at Ruby and OOP in general,
Open black boxes and see what goes on underneath.
TIME: Oct 22 - Dec 20.
IDEAS (all open sourced):
* Learn how interpreters work.
Status: Finished Scheme interpreter in Ruby. Rewrite in Go?
* Learn more about internals of Ruby - What happens when you define a
class/module, call a method? How is environment stored? What is an object/class?
Status: Read 'Ruby under a microscope' book. now have a much better understanding
about Ruby internals. Need to find a way to prove to myself I do understand it,
apply this knowledge. Replicate parts of it Go?
* Concurrency
Status: Finished building a chat Go server with Oskar.
* Analytics for rSpec failures - Learn what type of errors do I get and how frequently.
* How to be increase productivity/level up in Ruby?
What parts of the language don't you know/use? How long does it take to go from
idea to execution? Say you've complete understanding of the language, how can you
increase your productivity and organize code in such a way to allow it to grow
and allow future changes.
* Mongo repl in Node - couldn't figure out how to talk to Mongo in BSON using
their wire protocol.
* Api replacement for common apis - was learning more about Node api than
becoming a better programmer.
* Write your own prog. language - parsing/lexing too low level & too boring.
TECH/LANGUAGES/AREAS I want to try/understand more:
* Javascript
* C
* Concurrency
* Low level memory management
* Being systematic about debugging/programming in general
OPEN SOURCE projects I want to contribute to:
* Pry -
* Goliath
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