All times are GMT unless stated otherwise.
Tuesday, April 18th
11:24 seppo0011 tweeted Mi objetivo de la semana es no responderle al @esacrosa cuando dice boludeces. Día 2: está difícil.
13:41 esacrosa tweeted Que a ver? Digo si vas a bardear.
13:51 esacrosa tweeted Decirme pelotudo sin explicarme en qué estoy equivocado, es un insulto innecesario.
14:05 esacrosa tweeted Bueno, “boludo”, el caso es que no deja de ser solo un insulto.
14:26 seppo0011 tweeted Dije "cuando dice boludeces", no es siempre.
16:55 esacrosa tweeted Espero más o lo dejo como insulto?
16:57 seppo0011 tweeted No voy a responder, y no fue la intención que sea un insulto, no esperaba que lo tomes así.
17:09 seppo0011 noticed he no longer follows @esacrosa
. Assuming block+unblock as a punishment, he follows him again and tweets te quiero
17:13 seppo0011 notices he has been blocked by @esacrosa
and tweets it informing other people following the conversation
As of 23:12 there is no further update.
At no point there was a private message exchanged between the participants.
People do not like to be called "pelotudo", "boludo" or "dice boludeces".
At 16:57 the problem was self-evident and deescalation measures were taken, but those were proven late and insufficient.
esacrosa should unblock @seppo0011
, upon which seppo0011 shall follow @esacrosa
seppo0011 must not say to people that they "dice boludeces"