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Last active November 8, 2024 13:35
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How to take a screenshot/image of a GDS file with colors defined by a layer properties file using the Klayout Python API.
Example taken from
This example images the full GDS and saves it to some shape specified.
from klayout import lay
in_file = "path/to/some.gds"
out_file = "out.png"
layer_file = "path/to/some/layers.lyp"
# Set display configuration options
lv = lay.LayoutView()
lv.set_config("background-color", "#ffffff")
lv.set_config("grid-visible", "false")
lv.set_config("grid-show-ruler", "false")
lv.set_config("text-visible", "false")
# Load the GDS and layer files
lv.load_layout(in_file, 0)
# Important: event processing for delayed configuration events
# Here: triggers refresh of the image properties
# Save the image
lv.save_image(out_file, 600, 400)
# lv.save_image_with_options(out_file, w, h, 0, 0, 0, db.DBox(x1, y1, x2, y2), False)
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