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Last active July 31, 2017 13:07
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Save seralf/8772281 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a simple checklist for installing a Virtuoso Opens Source 7 on ubuntu (debian? sholud be the same) environment.
#### pre-install:
These commands are suggested in the documentation
>> sudo aptitude install dpkg-dev build-essential autoconf automake libtool flex bison gperf gawk m4 make odbcinst libxml2-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev
>> sudo aptitude install dpkg-dev build-essential
>> sudo aptitude install git
#### getting latest sources [ VOS 7]
create a directory for sources and move into it
>> mkdir -p ~/VOS7_sources/
>> cd ~/VOS7_sources/
get sources:
>> sudo git clone git://
checkout latest stable branch:
>> cd virtuoso-opensource
>> sudo git checkout stable/7
#### installation
prepare installation
>> sudo ./
configure the installation to the path /usr/local/virtuoso, rename the tool isql in isql-v to avoid conflicts with the unix odbc existing one.
>> sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/virtuoso/ --with-readline --program-transform-name="s/isql/isql-v/"
>> sudo nice make
run installation
>> sudo make install
#### configure
edit configuration file
>> sudo nano /usr/local/virtuoso/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.ini
#### RUN!
run with a specific configuration file, not as a daemon (useful when developing/debugging)
>> cd /usr/local/virtuoso/bin
>> sudo ./virtuoso-t -df +configfile /usr/local/virtuoso/var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.ini
#### how-to enable federated queries
isql> grant select on "DB.DBA.SPARQL_SINV_2" to “SPARQL”;
isql> grant execute on "DB.DBA.SPARQL_SINV_IMP" to "SPARQL";
#### how-to clear a graph
* free disk after cleaning triples
no supporto: dump, delete the file on disk, and reload the data
#### download binaries for Win7 x64
SEE other instructions
checkpoint_interval (0);
checkpoint_interval (60);
/* <virtuoso>/scripts */
SELECT COUNT(*) AS ?number_of_triples
FROM <http://named-graph/ontology/>
WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } ;
/* <virtuoso>/scripts */
checkpoint_interval (0);
DELETE FROM DB.DBA.load_list ;
ld_dir_all ('/RDF', '*.rdf', 'http://named-graph/ontology/');
rdf_loader_run ();
checkpoint_interval (60);
SELECT ll_file AS file, ll_state AS state, ll_graph AS graph FROM DB.DBA.load_list;
# <virtuoso>/scripts
../bin/isql-v 1111 dba dba errors=stdout $1
# <virtuoso>/scripts
../bin/virtuoso-t -df +debug +config ../var/lib/virtuoso/db/virtuoso.ini
# <virtuoso>/scripts
../bin/isql-v 1111 dba dba -K
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