Description of the game
The goal of the game to break as many contracts as possible! Note: one of these contracts is a HONEYPOT! BE CAREFUL!!
Claim your Ropsten test ether here!
The contracts you need to break and their addresses:
Description of the game
The goal of the game to break as many contracts as possible! Note: one of these contracts is a HONEYPOT! BE CAREFUL!!
Claim your Ropsten test ether here!
The contracts you need to break and their addresses:
Important addresses, links for the 1st Open Blockchain Workshop
Get some (testnet) ether here
István's account on Ropsten and the corresponding address: 0x22d491Bde2303f2f43325b2108D26f1eAbA1e32b
Use this Blockchain explorer:
helloOBWS contract address: 0xD568eC979E970f104d429D7fEdc7aa78bD5Df8f6
contract BetOnBrazilvsBelgium is Ownable, usingOraclize {
using SafeMath for uint;
string public homeTeam="43924";
string public awayTeam="43935";
bool public winningTeamSet;
bool public winningTeam;
mapping(address => Bet) public bets;
function uniquify(uint[] input) public pure returns(uint[] ret) {
if(input.length < 2) {
return input;
uint[256][2] memory hashTable;
uint[] memory index = new uint[](input.length);
uint counter;
bool nullValue;
function uniquify(uint[] input) public pure returns(uint[] ret) {
if(input.length < 2) {
return input;
uint lengthOfKeySpace = input.length*2;
uint[] memory hashTable = new uint[](lengthOfKeySpace);
uint[] memory index = new uint[](input.length);
function uniquify(uint[] input) public pure returns(uint[] ret) {
if(input.length < 2) {
return input;
bool[] memory duplicates = new bool[](input.length);
uint256 duplicateCounter = 0;
uint counte r = 0;
uint[] memory unique = new uint[](input.length);
contract Unique {
* @dev Removes all but the first occurrence of each element from a list of
* integers, preserving the order of original elements, and returns the list.
* The input list may be of any length.
* @param input The list of integers to uniquify.
* @return The input list, with any duplicate elements removed.