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Created May 10, 2016 05:19
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import timeit
import hashlib
import gc
import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne
from a import a as pythran
from numba import vectorize, jit
from pythran import compile_pythrancode
from imp import load_dynamic
orders_n = [10**n for n in range(1, 5)]
def make_numpy(func):
return 'lambda x, y: ' + func
def make_numexpr(func):
return 'lambda x, y: ne.evaluate("' + func + '")'
def make_numba(func):
return 'jit(' + make_numpy(func) + ')'
def make_pythran(func):
m = hashlib.md5() ; m.update(func) ; name = m.hexdigest()
code = '#pythran export foo(float64[][], float64[][])\ndef foo(x, y): return ' + func
so = compile_pythrancode('pythran_' + name, code)
globals()['pythran_kernel'] = load_dynamic('pythran_' + name, so).foo
return 'pythran_kernel'
expressions = (
'x + y',
'.8 * x + .2 * y',
'x[:] + y [:]',
'x + 1',
'x + y[0]',
'x[1:-1] + y[1:-1]',
'x[1:-1,1:-1] + y[1:-1,1:-1]',
'x[1:,1:] + x[:-1,1:] + x[1:,:-1] + x[:-1,:-1]',
'(x - y)**2 / (x + y)',
'.1 * x**2 + .2 * y ** 2 + .3 * x * y + .4 * x + .5 * y + .6',
engines = (
for nth, expression in enumerate(expressions):
for engine in engines:
locals()[engine] = eval('eval(make_' + engine + '(expression))')
timings = {f:[] for f in engines}
for n in orders_n:
for f in engines:
A = np.random.rand(n,n)
B = np.random.rand(n,n)
timing = min(timeit.Timer('%s(A, B)' %f,
'from __main__ import A, B, %s' %f)
.repeat(repeat=3, number=10))
except TypeError:
timing = 0
del A
del B
def plot_figures(engines):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
for f in engines:
plt.plot([i**2 for i in orders_n], [i/n for i,n in zip(timings[f], timings['numpy'])],
alpha=0.5, label='%s' %f, marker='o', lw=2)
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.xlabel('number of elements per matrix')
plt.ylabel('normalized execution time (w/ numpy) lower is better')
plt.title('Approaches to evaluate ' + expression)
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