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Last active December 23, 2015 20:59
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Save sergeyk/6693204 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Code to deal with the ImageNet dataset.
Feature details (computed by Yangqing):
- VLfeat SIFT dense extraction: with SIFT patch size 16, 32 and 64,
and a stride of 4 pixels. The images are reduced to size 500*500
(smaller images are not resized up though).
- LLC-coded features with 5-nearest neighbors, and a codebook of size 16k
- Max-pooled on a 1x1 grid and 3x3 grid, so a total of 10 bins.
This gives us 10 * 16k = 160k dimensional features.
- Adagrad (multinomial) logistic regression on all training data.
import os
import cPickle as pickle
import numpy as np
import copy
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import loadmat
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
import h5py
import tc
from tc import DataSource
# data/imagenet should contain classifier output data.
imagenet_dir = os.path.join(tc.repo_dir, 'data/imagenet')
imagenet_pickle_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'imagenet_%d_tax.pickle')
# The Hedging Your Bets code release should be extracted to the ext/ folder.
# (Download from
ilsvrc65_meta_filename = tc.repo_dir + '/ext/hedging-1.0/code/ilsvrc65_meta.mat'
# I ran the MATLAB demo of the Hedging release and outut their classifier
# outputs on the validation and test sets of ILSVRC65.
ilsvrc65_clf_outputs_val = tc.repo_dir + '/test/support/ilsvrc65_clf_outputs_val.mat'
ilsvrc65_clf_outputs_test = tc.repo_dir + '/test/support/ilsvrc65_clf_outputs_test.mat'
def process_graph(g, nodes):
g : networkx.DiGraph
nodes : list
List of node names, all of which are in g.
The first K nodes in this list correspond to the leaf nodes, and are in
the same order as observations that we may see.
graph : dict
'g': the original graph, augmented with 'leaves' field
assert(len(g.nodes()) == len(nodes))
N = len(nodes)
# augment graph with 'leaves' field
g = copy.deepcopy(g)
compute_leave_sets(g, nodes)
heights = np.array([g.node[node]['height'] for node in nodes]).flatten()
leaf_mask = np.atleast_2d(heights == 0)
K = leaf_mask.sum()
# Construct K x N matrix of leaf membership.
leaf_membership = np.zeros((K, N))
leaf_membership[:, :K] = np.eye(K)
for i in range(K, N):
leaf_membership[g.node[nodes[i]]['leaf_inds'], i] = 1
num_leaves = leaf_membership.sum(0)
rewards = np.log2(K / num_leaves).flatten()
graph = {
'g': g, 'nodes': nodes, 'heights': heights, 'rewards': rewards,
'leaf_membership': leaf_membership}
return graph
def compute_leave_sets(graph, nodes):
For each node, compute the set of leaves under it, and store it under
the given key.
This function is able to handle large graphs, as it is not recursive.
Code originally by my labmate Yangqing Jia.
graph : nx.DiGraph
nodes : list of strings
leaves_key = 'leaves'
leaf_inds_key = 'leaf_inds'
if len(graph.nodes()) == 0:
stack = [n for n in graph.nodes() if len(graph.predecessors(n)) == 0]
if len(stack) == 0:
raise ValueError('The graph does not have any root: possible cycles?')
expanded = set()
while len(stack) > 0:
node = stack[-1]
if stack[-1] in expanded:
# all children in this stack has been computed, so we can compute
# the node now.
if len(graph.successors(node)) == 0:
# I am a leaf
graph.node[node][leaves_key] = set([node])
leaves = set()
for c in graph.successors(node):
graph.node[node][leaves_key] = leaves
del stack[-1]
stack += graph.successors(node)
# also store indices to nodes list
for node in nodes:
inds = [nodes.index(n) for n in graph.node[node][leaves_key]]
graph.node[node][leaf_inds_key] = sorted(inds)
class ILSVRC65(DataSource):
The ILSVRC65 dataset, as described in the Hedging Your Bets CVPR 2012 paper.
def __init__(self, dirname, max_budget=None):
self.dirname = dirname
self.graph = self.load_graph()
g = self.graph['g']
# TODO: is this the right way to determine names?
self.labels = [g.node[node]['word'] for node in self.graph['nodes']]
self.actions = [g.node[node]['word'] for node in np.array(self.graph['nodes'])[self.graph['heights'] == 0]]
self.action_dims = np.ones(len(self.actions), dtype=int)
self.action_costs = np.ones(len(self.actions), dtype=float)
self.max_budget = max_budget
if max_budget is None:
self.max_budget = int(sum(self.action_costs) / 2)
self.data_filename = self.dirname + '/ilsvrc65.h5'
if not os.path.exists(self.data_filename):
X, y, X_test, y_test = self.load_data()
# NOTE: imagenet should not be standardized, because
# the features are already all in [0,1] and the classifier
# can be doing simple argmax over average of feature channels.
# standardization ruins performance in that case.
#ss = StandardScaler()
#X = ss.fit_transform(X)
#X_test = ss.transform(X_test)
with h5py.File(self.data_filename, 'w') as f:
f.create_dataset('X', data=X)
f.create_dataset('y', data=y)
f.create_dataset('X_test', data=X_test)
f.create_dataset('y_test', data=y_test)
self.N = self.X.shape[0]
self.N_test = self.X_test.shape[0]
def name(self):
return 'ilsvrc65_{}'.format(self.max_budget)
def load_graph():
ilsvrc65 = loadmat(ilsvrc65_meta_filename)
g65 = nx.DiGraph()
# Load nodes in the order of the meta file (leaves first).
nodes = []
for x in ilsvrc65['synsets']:
g65.add_node(nodes[-1], {'word': x['words'][0][0], 'height': x['height'][0][0]})
for x in ilsvrc65['synsets']:
node = x['WNID'][0][0]
for child in x['children'][0][0]:
g65.add_edge(node, nodes[child - 1])
graph = process_graph(g65, nodes)
return graph
def load_data():
Load the classifier outputs for val and test sets.
data = loadmat(ilsvrc65_clf_outputs_val)
X = data['leaf_probs']
y = data['labels'] - 1
data = loadmat(ilsvrc65_clf_outputs_test)
X_test = data['leaf_probs']
y_test = data['labels'] - 1
return X, y, X_test, y_test
class ImageNet(object):
DataSource for the ImageNet dataset.
max_leaves : int, optional
The desired number of leaf nodes per group.
Getting exactly this number in every group is extremely unlikely: instead, expect
different smaller numbers close to this.
method : string in ['random', 'size'], optional
The method used to split the classes into groups.
- 'random': leaf nodes are selected completely randomly.
- 'size': all nodes are sorted by the number of leaf nodes they are
ancestors to, and groups are formed by taking nodes smaller than
max_leaves and removing the selected leaf nodes from all other nodes,
def __init__(self, max_leaves=200, method='size'):
num = 1000 # can be 7404 (for ImageNet10K?)
self.g = pickle.load(open(imagenet_pickle_filename % num))
self.nodes = self.g.nodes()
if method == 'size':
self.groups = self.select_groups_by_size(self.g, self.nodes, max_leaves)
elif method == 'random':
self.groups = self.select_groups_random
raise('Unknown method!')
self.labels = self.g.nodes()
#self.X, self.y = self.load_data('val')
def load_data(s):
s : string in ['train', 'val', 'test']
assert(s in ['train', 'val', 'test'])
X = np.load('data/imagenet/{0}_predict/{0}_prob.npy'.format(s))
y = np.load('data/imagenet/{}_predict/labels_ascii_sorted.npy'.format(s))
return X, y
def select_groups_by_size(g, nodes, max_leaves):
Select leaf node groups by inner-node sizes.
g : networkx.DiGraph
nodes : list of strings
max_leaves : int
The desired number of leaf nodes per group.
Getting exactly this number in every group is extremely unlikely:
instead, expect different smaller numbers close to this.
selected_groups : list of (node name, list of leaf node names) tuples.
g = copy.deepcopy(g)
compute_leave_sets(g, nodes)
selected_groups = []
while True:
all_num_leaves = [len(g.node[node]['leaves']) for node in g.nodes()]
if sum(all_num_leaves) == 0:
ind = np.argsort(-np.array(all_num_leaves))
sorted_nodes = np.array(g.nodes())[ind]
for node in sorted_nodes:
leaves = g.node[node]['leaves']
if len(leaves) > 0 and len(leaves) <= max_leaves:
selected_groups.append((node, leaves))
for node_prime in np.array(g.nodes()):
if node_prime == node:
g.node[node_prime]['leaves'] -= leaves
g.node[node]['leaves'] = set([])
assert(sum(len(x[-1]) for x in selected_groups) == 1000)
for group in selected_groups:
node, leaves = group
print(node, g.node[node]['word'], len(leaves))
return selected_groups
def select_groups_randomly(g, max_leaves):
Select leaf node groups randomly, such that all groups have max_leaves
leaves (if not evenly divisible, the last group will be smaller).
# TODO implement
def plot_groups(self, filename=None):
return self.plot_selected_groups(self.g, self.groups, filename)
def plot_selected_groups(g, selected_groups, filename=None):
Display the ImageNet DAG and highlight the selected groups
in different colors.
g : networkx.DiGraph
selected_groups : list of ('node', list of leaf nodes) tuples
filename : string, optional
If given, write plot out to filename.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
gray = (0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 1)
graydark = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
ns = 30
pos = nx.graphviz_layout(g, prog='sfdp')
g, pos, with_labels=False, node_size=ns,
node_color=gray, linewidth=None).set_edgecolor(graydark)
root = [n for n in g.nodes() if g.predecessors(n) == []]
g, pos, nodelist=root, with_labels=False,
node_size=ns * 2, node_color=gray,
nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos, arrows=False, edge_color=[gray] * len(g.edges()))
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Accent')
colors = np.linspace(0, 1, len(selected_groups))
darken = lambda c, r: (c[0] * r, c[1] * r, c[2] * r, c[3])
for i, group in enumerate(selected_groups):
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, node_size=ns, nodelist=group[-1], node_color=cmap(colors[i])).set_edgecolor(darken(cmap(colors[i]), 0.75))
if filename is not None:
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300, facecolor='none')
return fig
if __name__ == '__main__':
ds = ImageNet()
fig = ds.plot_groups(filename="test.pdf")
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