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Created October 9, 2013 06:56
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"metadata": {
"name": ""
"nbformat": 3,
"nbformat_minor": 0,
"worksheets": [
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# Payout matrix for the modified game from HW2 problem 3b\n",
"A = np.array([\n",
" [0, 1, -1],\n",
" [-1, 0, 1],\n",
" [1, -1, 0],\n",
" [0, -1, -1]\n",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"prompt_number": 120
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# Normalize the matrix to bound losses on [0, 1]\n",
"A -= A.min()\n",
"A = A / float(A.max() - A.min())\n",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 121,
"text": [
"array([[ 0.5, 1. , 0. ],\n",
" [ 0. , 0.5, 1. ],\n",
" [ 1. , 0. , 0.5],\n",
" [ 0.5, 0. , 0. ]])"
"prompt_number": 121
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"# Initialize row player weights and normalize them.\n",
"weights = np.ones(A.shape[0])\n",
"weights /= weights.sum()\n",
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "pyout",
"prompt_number": 122,
"text": [
"array([ 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])"
"prompt_number": 122
"cell_type": "code",
"collapsed": false,
"input": [
"epsilon = 0.1\n",
"T = np.ceil(100 * np.log(4)).astype(int)\n",
"weights_history = []\n",
"y_history = []\n",
"deltas = []\n",
"deltas2 = []\n",
"for t in range(T + 1):\n",
" # Record current weights.\n",
" weights_history.append(weights.copy())\n",
" \n",
" # Find the best y response and figure out the loss for all experts.\n",
" best_y =, A).argmax()\n",
" y = np.zeros(A.shape[1])\n",
" y[best_y] = 1\n",
" y_history.append(y)\n",
" \n",
" # x is the experts' distribution\n",
" # C(x) is given by the argmax y picked in response to the above x\n",
" # R(y) is given by the argmin x picked in response to the above y\n",
" # Is this interpretation correct?\n",
" Cx =, A).max()\n",
" Ry = losses.min()\n",
" deltas.append(Cx - Ry)\n",
" \n",
" # Perhaps my above interpretation is not correct,\n",
" # and I should be using the average strategy up to t.\n",
" # C(x*) is given by argmax y in response to 1/t \\sum_i x_t\n",
" # R(y*) is given by argmin x in response to 1/t \\sum_i y_t\n",
" avg_x = np.array(weights_history).sum(0)\n",
" avg_x /= avg_x.sum()\n",
" avg_y = np.array(y_history).sum(0)\n",
" avg_y /= avg_y.sum()\n",
" Cx =, A).argmax()\n",
" Ry =, avg_y).argmin()\n",
" deltas2.append(Cx - Ry)\n",
" \n",
" # Update weights.\n",
" weights *= np.power((1 - epsilon), losses)\n",
" weights /= weights.sum()\n",
"for t_ in [10, 100, T]:\n",
" print('t\\t\\t{}'.format(t_))\n",
" print('x\\t\\t{}'.format(weights_history[t_]))\n",
" print('y\\t\\t{}'.format(y_history[t_]))\n",
" print('Cx - Ry\\t\\t{}'.format(deltas[t_]))\n",
" print('C(x*) - R(y*)\\t{}'.format(deltas2[t_]))\n",
" print"
"language": "python",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"stream": "stdout",
"text": [
"x\t\t[ 2.38855279e-01 3.92454138e-27 4.85511979e-20 7.61144721e-01]\n",
"y\t\t[ 1. 0. 0.]\n",
"Cx - Ry\t\t0.5\n",
"C(x*) - R(y*)\t-1\n",
"x\t\t[ 2.38855279e-01 2.98961155e-31 4.23753086e-22 7.61144721e-01]\n",
"y\t\t[ 1. 0. 0.]\n",
"Cx - Ry\t\t0.5\n",
"C(x*) - R(y*)\t-1\n",
"x\t\t[ 2.38855279e-01 4.90989981e-33 5.43052489e-23 7.61144721e-01]\n",
"y\t\t[ 1. 0. 0.]\n",
"Cx - Ry\t\t0.5\n",
"C(x*) - R(y*)\t-1\n",
"prompt_number": 129
"metadata": {}
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