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Last active October 14, 2024 20:06
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Russia DDOS list

Help Ukraine by attacking Russian web sites. Good load testing training.


Task # 1 We encourage you to use any vectors of cyber and DDoS attacks on these resources.

Business corporations


The state

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I think there should be clear warning that taking part in DDoS operations may be illegal in some jurisdictions. For example here in Finland, executing these scripts would be illegal even after Russia has started war against Ukraine.

For some other countries, this might be okay but check the local law before taking any vigilante action.

I just want to mention the comments from my friend and me again. Don't do this without proper security.

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ceszkraft commented Mar 1, 2022

Found a script to run on linux but it doens't work property. Can someone help? I want to help

# @copyright RTS007
# @breef To rape Russian sites

# Regular Colors
STD='\033[0m'    # Reset
OK='\033[0;32m'  # Green
ERR='\033[0;31m' # Red


while [ 1 ]; do
   for l in "${SITES[@]}"; do
      l="$(fping $l)"
      if [[ $l == *"unreachable"* ]]; then
         echo -e "${OK}${l}${STD}"
         echo -e "${ERR}${l}${STD}"

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@RTS007 never recommend LOIC. It's a ticket to prison in most EU countries.

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Guys, again: Can you stop posting more scripts and stuff like that? Yeah it's cool to attack Russian services but you won't do it anonymously with these scripts/programs. Young people don't know about the lack of security and privacy while using these cheap quality scripts.

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AnthyUwU commented Mar 1, 2022

@DuckEater54 "Crime" is no more than some words that a politician once wrote in a paper saying it is wrong. But is it wrong to try to shutdown the websites of a government that is massacring innocent people? Whatever your answer for that is, you should reach that conclusion by yourself, not by what is written on a mere piece of paper.

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RTS007 commented Mar 1, 2022

@proseriox LOIC can be used for scientific purposes, and after all, we are all here teaching the Russians how to protect themselves from attack ;)
Here some tutorial:
sudo apt-get install fping
chmod +x
sudo ./

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@proseriox LOIC can be used for scientific purposes, and after all, we are all here teaching the Russians how to protect themselves from attack ;) @ceszkraft Here some tutorial: sudo apt-get install fping chmod +x sudo ./

idk I'm not comfortable with providing this:

  1. the user didn't even say what their error was
  2. you assume they're using a distro with apt as a package manager (even though you're still using apt-get)
  3. that script provides no protections or obfuscation
  4. people who need help for any of the above are almost assuredly not taking independent steps to anonymize themselves, and I don't think the goal is "get ppl in trouble with russia's counter-intelligence or with their own governments", so we shouldn't steer people towards those outcomes

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RTS007 commented Mar 1, 2022

@tarfeef101 Instead of worrying about others, improve the script. Authorities in Europe and the States will certainly turn a blind eye to the teaching Russian ddos lesson. We all owe it to Ukraine.
@ceszkraft If it doesn't work let me know.

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@tarfeef101 Instead of worrying about others, improve the script. Authorities in Europe and the States will certainly turn a blind eye to the teaching Russian ddos lesson. We all owe it to Ukraine. @ceszkraft If it doesn't work let me know.
Thanks. I totally agree and I want to help Ukraine somehow.
I installed fping and tried to run the code again and I got this error

./ 10: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

I tried to remove that "()" from SITES variable and i got this error

./ 10: not found
./ 13: Bad substitution

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RTS007 commented Mar 1, 2022

Download or copy one more time:
It looks like you didn't close a parenthesis. Those brackets '()' indicate that it is an array, they are necessary.

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I found the error. It's working now! THANK YOU!!!!

I changed #!/bin/sh to !/bin/sh on the top of the file.

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Can I reccomend at least additionally using the PROTON VPN free tier account to protect yourself for any potentiom backlash

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VlaDexa commented Mar 2, 2022

Can you at least exclude the public services? Those sites provide access to essential services like medical
I understand you all want to help Ukranian people, but you need to remember that not everybody in Russia wanted for this "operation" to happen, so can you restrain yourself from hurting people who didn't want this.

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Z3t4Byt3 commented Mar 2, 2022

I just don't agree with the banks' part, it affects the population that is not to blame for the shit the government does.

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Can you at least exclude the public services? Those sites provide access to essential services like medical I understand you all want to help Ukranian people, but you need to remember that not everybody in Russia wanted for this "operation" to happen, so can you restrain yourself from hurting people who didn't want this.

Have you seen the news dude? Do you see what the ukraine's people are suffering everyday? please just stfu

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@proseriox LOIC can be used for scientific purposes, and after all, we are all here teaching the Russians how to protect themselves from attack ;)

Definitely not in such cases... But yes, go continue with your knowledge Mr. Hackerino.

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This is not DDoS - this is simple site visiting to optimize Russian websites.

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Have you seen the news dude? Do you see what the ukraine's people are suffering everyday? please just stfu

Would you ask yourself a question first, if attacks on public services will help Ukraine somehow? Seriousely? That is just a revenge, nothing more. The only result will be a Russian people's uniting with the idea that they are hated. That's stupid.

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Have you seen the news dude? Do you see what the ukraine's people are suffering everyday? please just stfu

Would you ask yourself a question first, if attacks on public services will help Ukraine somehow? Seriousely? That is just a revenge, nothing more. The only result will be a Russian people's uniting with the idea that they are hated. That's stupid.

let`s help the aggressor then :D of course you are an expert logic guy. I have no chance

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let`s help the aggressor then :D of course you are an expert logic guy. I have no chance

Nice irony. You're want to attack service that I use to enroll my child in a school and recieving a vaccination certificates. So I repeating a question: how will it help to stop the aggression? Come on, tell me.

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let`s help the aggressor then :D of course you are an expert logic guy. I have no chance

Nice irony. You're want to attack service that I use to enroll my child in a school and recieving a vaccination certificates. So I repeating a question: how will it help to stop the aggression? Come on, tell me.

Google, Meta, Shell, Boeing and Airbus, Harley-Davidson, Mercedes-Benz, Renault, Toyota, Volkswagen, Apple, Spotify, Airbnb, Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Mastercard, Visa, American Express ALL LEFT Russian for a bad reason? dude how can the world be so wrong and you are right. maybe we have the new Albert Einstein here. Maybe the world is wrong

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Well, i got this simple script but I think it only works on Linux. Well it's not a big one script but it works fine.

the guy who wrote: RTS007

thank u again RTS007

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Google, Meta, Shell, Boeing

You didn't answer the question.

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olekhy commented Mar 8, 2022

im a russian, kill me now.

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voku commented Mar 8, 2022

My coworker are Russian, my neighbours are Russian and I like them. But I am strictly against war, and so I am against Putin's war and it makes me sick that 80% of the people in 🇷🇺 are pro Putin.

When I was a child, I asked my grandpa why they do nothing against the WWII, why they fight for such a stupid idea? He told me that they didn't know what happened and that they only follow orders. I don't know if its true or not but I can remember that I was shocked and never thought that this could happened again in Europe. As Assange says "Populations dont like wars...and have to be fooled into war" - ... so I would like to show every Russian citizen this pictures of the war, that Putin is doing in the name of them and ask if they would like to answer questions about this war to their children and the children of there children. You can't lie and say you didn't know anything.

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ruralTom commented Apr 1, 2022

@DuckEater54 "Crime" is no more than some words that a politician once wrote in a paper saying it is wrong. But is it wrong to try to shutdown the websites of a government that is massacring innocent people? Whatever your answer for that is, you should reach that conclusion by yourself, not by what is written on a mere piece of paper.

Your feelings don't make it any less risky for people participating from jurisdictions where this is illegal Edgy McCoolerson. 🙄

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olekhy commented Apr 2, 2022

all those who say that they know the truth are immediately mine and automatically people's enemies

alle die, die sagen, dass sie wahrheit kennen, sind sofort meine und automatisch menschens feinde

все те, кто говорят, что знают правду, немедленно становятся моими и автоматически становятся врагами людей

Усі, хто стверджує, що знають правду, є моїми і автоматично ворогами всіх людей

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Слава Урне, когда пиримога?

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Когда ваша пиримога случиться, а? Е$$аны. Не имеет смысла, может тогда нужно DDOS'ить украинские сервера, и помогать русским, а???? А вот сейчас на меня все агро-коментаторы наподут, и будут говорить, что я террорист. When your Piremoga, huh? F###. It doesn't make sense, maybe then we need to DDOS Ukrainian servers and help the Russians, e???? And now all the agro-commentators will pounce on me, and they'll say I'm a terrorist

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ruralTom commented Sep 2, 2024 via email

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