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Created September 4, 2023 07:46
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Dockerfile for 3D Gaussian splatting
## Unofficial Dockerfile for 3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering
## Bernhard Kerbl, Georgios Kopanas, Thomas Leimkühler, George Drettakis
# Use the base image with PyTorch and CUDA support
FROM pytorch/pytorch:2.0.1-cuda11.7-cudnn8-devel
# Building the libraries for this repository requires cuda *DURING BUILD PHASE*, therefore:
# - The default-runtime for container should be set to "nvidia" in the deamon.json file. See this:
# - For the above to work, the nvidia-container-runtime should be installed in your host. Tested with version 1.14.0-rc.2
# - Make sure NVIDIA's drivers are updated in the host machine. Tested with 525.125.06
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
# Update and install tzdata separately
RUN apt update && apt install -y tzdata
# Install necessary packages
RUN apt install -y git && \
apt install -y libglew-dev libassimp-dev libboost-all-dev libgtk-3-dev libopencv-dev libglfw3-dev libavdevice-dev libavcodec-dev libeigen3-dev libxxf86vm-dev libembree-dev && \
apt clean && apt install wget && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Create a workspace directory and clone the repository
WORKDIR /workspace
RUN git clone --recursive
# Create a Conda environment and activate it
WORKDIR /workspace/gaussian-splatting
RUN conda env create --file environment.yml && conda init bash && exec bash && conda activate gaussian_splatting
# Tweak the CMake file for matching the existing OpenCV version. Fix the naming of FindEmbree.cmake
WORKDIR /workspace/gaussian-splatting/SIBR_viewers/cmake/linux
RUN sed -i 's/find_package(OpenCV 4\.5 REQUIRED)/find_package(OpenCV 4.2 REQUIRED)/g' dependencies.cmake
RUN sed -i 's/find_package(embree 3\.0 )/find_package(EMBREE)/g' dependencies.cmake
RUN mv /workspace/gaussian-splatting/SIBR_viewers/cmake/linux/Modules/FindEmbree.cmake /workspace/gaussian-splatting/SIBR_viewers/cmake/linux/Modules/FindEMBREE.cmake
# Fix the naming of the embree library in the rayscaster's cmake
RUN sed -i 's/\bembree\b/embree3/g' /workspace/gaussian-splatting/SIBR_viewers/src/core/raycaster/CMakeLists.txt
# Ready to build the viewer now.
WORKDIR /workspace/gaussian-splatting/SIBR_viewers
RUN cmake -Bbuild . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && \
cmake --build build -j24 --target install
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can you also provide the CMakeLists.txt please

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