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Created August 7, 2019 21:51
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**Changes since 1.13.2**
* 7 Backdrop 1.13.3 \(fe4686657\)
* d SA-CORE-2019-011-013 \(c613c135d\)
* 2 Issue <a href="">#3965</a>: [UX] Views: Fix description for "Fill up single line". \(867910792\)
* 1 Issue <a href="">#3762</a>: Reassign orphaned blocks on layout template changes. \(49bf0ae81\)
* 8 Issue <a href="">#2850</a>: Use the word 'Configure' instead of 'Edit' for language settings. \(d1941d6c8\)
* 7 Issue <a href="">#3871</a>: Move views_fetch_fields() to so that it is always available. \(2e8074ef7\)
* 4 Issue <a href="">#3913</a>: Added test for empty/null tid to taxonomy_build_node_index function. \(dbb01c724\)
* 1 Issue <a href="">#3776</a>: User error: "theme" is an invalid render array key in element_children(). \(bbacfdda1\)
* 6 Issue <a href="">#3840</a>: [UX] update.php results: Replace admin page link with link to dashboard. \(3ad418c96\)
* 3 Issue <a href="">#3948</a>: Restore missing "edit" link for comments. \(ab677ac43\)
* 2 Issue <a href="">#3720</a>: Views Plugins documentation topic lists incorrect number of plugin types. \(0c1935482\)
* d Issue <a href="">#3720</a>: Views: More link disappears when time-based cache is enabled. \(9556bca3d\)
* 7 Issue <a href="">#3720</a>: Views: Small typo. \(3d5a71907\)
* 4 Issue <a href="">#3720</a>: Typo 'lenght' in view_trim_views(). \(08186f914\)
* 1 Issue <a href="">#3941</a>: Install dbtasks now checks for utf8mb4 support. \(401a6b251\)
* 8 Issue <a href="">#3720</a>: Views locale edit link field uses the old D6 path. \(eff517348\)
* f Issue <a href="">#3720</a>: Tables generated by Views need better semantics. \(c3fca4baf\)
* d Issue <a href="">#3720</a>: Make it easier to subclass views_handler_area_view. \(26c09c62d\)
* 5 Issue <a href="">#3719</a>: Cache views plugin data. \(73af2eb55\)
* 5 Views: Use user_format_name for RSS feed creator (<a href="">#2620</a>) \(a8e788645\)
* a Issue <a href="">#3719</a>: Attachments on Views Content Panes don't always inherit exposed filters. \(45b175cda\)
* 8 Issue <a href="">#3719</a>: views.api.php: Typo "chang" instead of "change" (<a href="">#2622</a>) \(75753d398\)
* d Issue <a href="">#2719</a>: Notice: Undefined index: data in views_plugin_cache->restore_headers(). \(c15a5014d\)
* 9 Issue <a href="">#3719</a>: Views: Allow 'GROUP BY' even if no aggregation function has been set. \(ad44e0d29\)
* 4 Issue <a href="">#3719</a>: Add documentation for refreshing of a view. \(3fe87b2c4\)
* 4 Issue <a href="">#3719</a>: Wrong example in documentation for `hook_views_pre_view()`. \(b1d658bf4\)
* 6 Issue <a href="">#1140</a>: Fix fields with inline labels next to floated elements. \(12be49db6\)
* 8 Issue <a href="">#3934</a>: Avoid display recursion in Link fields. \(14eb29ae8\)
* 0 Issue <a href="">#1366</a>: Added validation to max/min settings. \(9773c1380\)
* 9 Issue <a href="">#1990</a>: Equal height regions/columns in Layout UI. \(90749f799\)
* c Issue <a href="">#3643</a>: CKEditor: Link to page points to file with corresponding file extension. \(3a11a6e7c\)
* 4 Issue <a href="">#3801</a>: Filter out projects which are up to date already. \(9ee79f5c4\)
* 4 Issue <a href="">#3844</a>: Move 'flush caches' permission to system.module. \(bea9a2a24\)
* 9 Issue <a href="">#3858</a>: Changing the name of the state value to the one that is used elsewhere. \(0190fadd9\)
* 6 Issue <a href="">#3876</a>: Coding standards - changed 'else if' to 'elseif' \(bc64bd246\)
* 8 Issue <a href="">#3898</a>: Changed editor image modal title to 'Edit image details'. \(da83c5398\)
* e Issue <a href="">#3920</a>: Wrong function parameter in user.test. \(8cf6154de\)
* 6 Issue <a href="">#3912</a>: Removed blank field_ui.admin.incmate file. \(90e1e5eb6\)
* 1 Issue <a href="">#3849</a>: Slight optimization to config_install_default_config(). \(2dd883871\)
* 0 Issue <a href="">#3866</a>: Fix TextBlock in doc block to BlockText tto match he name of the class. \(9b626f340\)
* d Issue <a href="">#3865</a>: Fix path to admin/people in dashboard. \(a0ec6024d\)
* 7 Issue <a href="">#2859</a>: [UX] Better description for the "Starting level" menu block setting. \(b3b648097\)
* 9 Issue <a href="">#3855</a>: Change system information page text 'front page' to 'home page'. \(f01eb0059\)
* 4 Issue <a href="">#3781</a>: Vocabulary overview page: use a single query with a GROUP BY. \(0a721f004\)
* 9 Reverting version string. \(a91958479\)
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