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* Get Google Page Speed Screenshot
* Uses Google's Page Speed API to generate a screenshot of a website.
* Returns the image as a base64 jpeg image tag
* Usage Example:
* echo getGooglePageSpeedScreenshot("", 'class="thumbnail"');
* @author jaseclamp <>
* @author <>
* @link
* @link
* #ref:
* @param string $site The url of the site you want to capture
* @param string $img_tag_attributes The img tag attributes to add
* @return string A base64 coded jpg img tag. Simply echo it out wherever you want the image.
function getGooglePageSpeedScreenshot($site, $img_tag_attributes = "border='1'") {
$use_cache = false;
$apc_is_loaded = extension_loaded('apc');
#set $use_cache
if($apc_is_loaded) {
apc_fetch("thumbnail:".$site, $use_cache);
if(!$use_cache) {
$image = file_get_contents("$site&screenshot=true");
$image = json_decode($image, true);
$image = $image['screenshot']['data'];
if($apc_is_loaded) {
apc_add("thumbnail:".$site, $image, 2400);
$image = str_replace(array('_', '-'), array('/', '+'), $image);
return "<img src=\"data:image/jpeg;base64,".$image."\" $img_tag_attributes />";
echo getGooglePageSpeedScreenshot($_GET['url'], 'class="thumbnail"');
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