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Created August 13, 2012 04:42
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Titanium Mobile Admob module
function ADCAdmobView() {
(function() {
Ti.App.Properties.setInt('AD_TOP', 0);
Ti.App.Properties.setInt('AD_LEFT', 0);
Ti.App.Properties.setInt('AD_HEIGHT', 320);
Ti.App.Properties.setInt('AD_WIDTH', 50);
Ti.App.Properties.setInt('ADMOB_ZINDEX', 20);
Ti.App.Properties.setString('ADMOB_PUBID_IPHONE', '<<YOUR PUBLISHER ID HERE>>');
var AdmobModule = require('ti.admob');
//var isTesting = (Ti.Platform.model=='Simulator') ? true : false;
var isTesting = Ti.App.Properties.getBool('TEST_OR_DEVELOPMENT');
var self = AdmobModule.createView({
top : Ti.App.Properties.getInt('AD_TOP'),
left : Ti.App.Properties.getInt('AD_LEFT'),
height : Ti.App.Properties.getInt('AD_HEIGHT'),
width : Ti.App.Properties.getInt('AD_WIDTH'),
zindex : Ti.App.Properties.getInt('ADMOB_ZINDEX'),
adBackgroundColor: 'white',
testing : isTesting,
// testDevices : isTesting,
publisherId : Ti.App.Properties.getString('ADMOB_PUBID_IPHONE'),
if (Ti.App.Properties.getBool('TEST_OR_DEVELOPMENT')) {
self.addEventListener('didReceiveAd', function() {
Ti.API.debug(new Date().toString() + ' didReceiveAd: Did receive ad!');
self.addEventListener('didFailToReceiveAd', function() {
Ti.API.debug(new Date().toString() + ' didFailToReceiveAd: Failed to receive ad!');
self.addEventListener('willPresentScreen', function() {
Ti.API.debug(new Date().toString() + ' willPresentScreen: Presenting screen!');
self.addEventListener('willDismissScreen', function() {
Ti.API.debug(new Date().toString() + ' willDismissScreen: Dismissing screen!');
self.addEventListener('didDismissScreen', function() {
Ti.API.debug(new Date().toString() + ' didDismissScreen: Dismissing screen!');
self.addEventListener('willLeaveApplication', function() {
Ti.API.debug(new Date().toString() + ' willLeaveApplication: Leaving the app!');
return self;
module.exports = ADCAdmobView;
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