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// Based on Glacier's example: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/guide/examples.html#Amazon_Glacier__Multi-part_Upload | |
var fs = require('fs'); | |
var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); | |
AWS.config.loadFromPath('./aws-config.json'); | |
var s3 = new AWS.S3(); | |
// File | |
var fileName = '5.pdf'; | |
var filePath = './' + fileName; | |
var fileKey = fileName; | |
var buffer = fs.readFileSync('./' + filePath); | |
// S3 Upload options | |
var bucket = 'loctest'; | |
// Upload | |
var startTime = new Date(); | |
var partNum = 0; | |
var partSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5; // Minimum 5MB per chunk (except the last part) http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html | |
var numPartsLeft = Math.ceil(buffer.length / partSize); | |
var maxUploadTries = 3; | |
var multiPartParams = { | |
Bucket: bucket, | |
Key: fileKey, | |
ContentType: 'application/pdf' | |
}; | |
var multipartMap = { | |
Parts: [] | |
}; | |
function completeMultipartUpload(s3, doneParams) { | |
s3.completeMultipartUpload(doneParams, function(err, data) { | |
if (err) { | |
console.log("An error occurred while completing the multipart upload"); | |
console.log(err); | |
} else { | |
var delta = (new Date() - startTime) / 1000; | |
console.log('Completed upload in', delta, 'seconds'); | |
console.log('Final upload data:', data); | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
function uploadPart(s3, multipart, partParams, tryNum) { | |
var tryNum = tryNum || 1; | |
s3.uploadPart(partParams, function(multiErr, mData) { | |
if (multiErr){ | |
console.log('multiErr, upload part error:', multiErr); | |
if (tryNum < maxUploadTries) { | |
console.log('Retrying upload of part: #', partParams.PartNumber) | |
uploadPart(s3, multipart, partParams, tryNum + 1); | |
} else { | |
console.log('Failed uploading part: #', partParams.PartNumber) | |
} | |
return; | |
} | |
multipartMap.Parts[this.request.params.PartNumber - 1] = { | |
ETag: mData.ETag, | |
PartNumber: Number(this.request.params.PartNumber) | |
}; | |
console.log("Completed part", this.request.params.PartNumber); | |
console.log('mData', mData); | |
if (--numPartsLeft > 0) return; // complete only when all parts uploaded | |
var doneParams = { | |
Bucket: bucket, | |
Key: fileKey, | |
MultipartUpload: multipartMap, | |
UploadId: multipart.UploadId | |
}; | |
console.log("Completing upload..."); | |
completeMultipartUpload(s3, doneParams); | |
}); | |
} | |
// Multipart | |
console.log("Creating multipart upload for:", fileKey); | |
s3.createMultipartUpload(multiPartParams, function(mpErr, multipart){ | |
if (mpErr) { console.log('Error!', mpErr); return; } | |
console.log("Got upload ID", multipart.UploadId); | |
// Grab each partSize chunk and upload it as a part | |
for (var rangeStart = 0; rangeStart < buffer.length; rangeStart += partSize) { | |
partNum++; | |
var end = Math.min(rangeStart + partSize, buffer.length), | |
partParams = { | |
Body: buffer.slice(rangeStart, end), | |
Bucket: bucket, | |
Key: fileKey, | |
PartNumber: String(partNum), | |
UploadId: multipart.UploadId | |
}; | |
// Send a single part | |
console.log('Uploading part: #', partParams.PartNumber, ', Range start:', rangeStart); | |
uploadPart(s3, multipart, partParams); | |
} | |
}); |
I should ask . Can't you call list parts , instead of manually saving the parts that have been uploaded .
Thanks for the code.
Thank you for the code.Very helpfull
* initiate a multipart upload and get an upload ID that must include in upload part request.
* Each part must be at least 5 MB in size, except the last part.
async multiPart(options) {
const { data, bucket, key } = options;
const multiPartParams = {
Bucket: bucket,
Key: key
const multipart = await this._client.createMultipartUpload(multiPartParams).promise();
const multipartMap = { Parts: [] };
let partNum = 0;
for (const d of data) {
partNum += 1;
const partParams = { ...multiPartParams, Body: d, PartNumber: String(partNum), UploadId: multipart.UploadId };
const result = await this._client.uploadPart(partParams).promise();
multipartMap.Parts[partNum - 1] = { ETag: result.ETag, PartNumber: Number(partNum) };
const doneParams = { ...multiPartParams, MultipartUpload: multipartMap, UploadId: multipart.UploadId };
const result = await this._client.completeMultipartUpload(doneParams).promise();
return result;
Why use it instead of .upload() function from aws? @nassiharel
@marceloavf is right. Using .upload()
you get automatic multipart uploads with concurrency and retries.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const mime = require('mime-types');
const endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(S3_ENDPOINT);
const S3 = new AWS.S3({
endpoint: endpoint,
accessKeyId: S3_KEY,
secretAccessKey: S3_SECRET,
maxRetries: 10
const stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);
const contentType = mime.lookup(filePath)
const params = {
Body: stream,
ACL: 'public-read',
ContentType: contentType
const options = {
partSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024,
// how many concurrent uploads
queueSize: 5
try {
await S3.upload(params, options).promise();
console.log('upload OK', filePath);
} catch (error) {
console.log('upload ERROR', filePath, error);
Yes, you are right @marceloavf, @PierBover.
But this is a multi-part gist, so I just shared my part if someone still wants to use the multi-part API.
There is also an API for getting multi-parts.
@PierBover how would one check upload progress?
@PierBover figured it out heres the snippet
try {
await s3.upload(params, options)
.on('httpUploadProgress', function(evt) {
console.log("Uploaded :: " + parseInt((evt.loaded * 100) / evt.total)+'%');
console.log('upload OK' + oldpath);
} catch (error) {
console.log('upload ERROR' + error);
@PierBover figured it out heres the snippet
try { await s3.upload(params, options) .on('httpUploadProgress', function(evt) { console.log("Uploaded :: " + parseInt((evt.loaded * 100) / evt.total)+'%'); }) .promise(); console.log('upload OK' + oldpath); } catch (error) { console.log('upload ERROR' + error); }
hi, the "httpUploadProgress" showing after uploaded complete to s3 on uploading its not firing the progress event, please advice.
@marceloavf is right. Using
you get automatic multipart uploads with concurrency and retries.const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const mime = require('mime-types'); const endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(S3_ENDPOINT); const S3 = new AWS.S3({ endpoint: endpoint, accessKeyId: S3_KEY, secretAccessKey: S3_SECRET, maxRetries: 10 }); const stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath); const contentType = mime.lookup(filePath) const params = { Bucket: BUCKET_NAME, Key: OBJECT_KEY, Body: stream, ACL: 'public-read', ContentType: contentType }; const options = { partSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, // how many concurrent uploads queueSize: 5 }; try { await S3.upload(params, options).promise(); console.log('upload OK', filePath); } catch (error) { console.log('upload ERROR', filePath, error); }
@marceloavf, @PierBover. Do you have the code for the full async function for this please?
Thanks @marceloavf but this code is quite different from the code @PierBover posted and I am notusing Tyoescript. Do you have any code for the async function for this @PierBover?
@nickwild-999 just put the example into an async
function. My example is already using await
@marceloavf is right. Using
you get automatic multipart uploads with concurrency and retries.const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const mime = require('mime-types'); const endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(S3_ENDPOINT); const S3 = new AWS.S3({ endpoint: endpoint, accessKeyId: S3_KEY, secretAccessKey: S3_SECRET, maxRetries: 10 }); const stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath); const contentType = mime.lookup(filePath) const params = { Bucket: BUCKET_NAME, Key: OBJECT_KEY, Body: stream, ACL: 'public-read', ContentType: contentType }; const options = { partSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, // how many concurrent uploads queueSize: 5 }; try { await S3.upload(params, options).promise(); console.log('upload OK', filePath); } catch (error) { console.log('upload ERROR', filePath, error); }
Try in Node 14?
Has anybody been able to set Metadata fields with createMultipartUpload?
This might help.
const params = {
ACL: "public-read",
Key: "sample-videofile",
ContentType: video/mp4,
Body: file,
ContentLength: file.size,
Metadata: {
user_email: "[email protected]",
user_id: "300",
Upload with progress bar...this is a tested code.
S3.upload(params, options, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
alert("Successfully Uploaded!");
}).on("httpUploadProgress", (progress) => {
let uploaded = parseInt((progress.loaded * 100) / progress.total);
progress: uploaded,
uploadText: "Uploading...",
uploading: true,
How to call the above function for multiple large files
FileList - [file1, file2]
let PromiseArray = []
for(file in FileList){
.then(result => {
when I can parallel the multiPart function its mismatch file 1 and file 2 data and overwrite one of the file for both
Any Solution ?
/** * initiate a multipart upload and get an upload ID that must include in upload part request. * Each part must be at least 5 MB in size, except the last part. */ async multiPart(options) { const { data, bucket, key } = options; const multiPartParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key }; const multipart = await this._client.createMultipartUpload(multiPartParams).promise(); const multipartMap = { Parts: [] }; let partNum = 0; for (const d of data) { partNum += 1; const partParams = { ...multiPartParams, Body: d, PartNumber: String(partNum), UploadId: multipart.UploadId }; const result = await this._client.uploadPart(partParams).promise(); multipartMap.Parts[partNum - 1] = { ETag: result.ETag, PartNumber: Number(partNum) }; } const doneParams = { ...multiPartParams, MultipartUpload: multipartMap, UploadId: multipart.UploadId }; const result = await this._client.completeMultipartUpload(doneParams).promise(); return result; }
this._client.createMultipartUpload is available in which npm package ?
Please Reply
Does this code work ??
Just one question. Does this occupy the nodejs server's disk space during the upload process?
thanks for the input!
I created a similar script based on the async package including retries that might be a bit easier to use & understand for some ppl!
I am looking into your script, and wondering if there is a way i can resume broken uploads? For eg if my frontend app has uploaded PartNumber:2 and then encountered a broken internet connection, is it possible to resume the upload from where it got last uploaded i.e. partNumber2 instead of uploading from 0?
/** * initiate a multipart upload and get an upload ID that must include in upload part request. * Each part must be at least 5 MB in size, except the last part. */ async multiPart(options) { const { data, bucket, key } = options; const multiPartParams = { Bucket: bucket, Key: key }; const multipart = await this._client.createMultipartUpload(multiPartParams).promise(); const multipartMap = { Parts: [] }; let partNum = 0; for (const d of data) { partNum += 1; const partParams = { ...multiPartParams, Body: d, PartNumber: String(partNum), UploadId: multipart.UploadId }; const result = await this._client.uploadPart(partParams).promise(); multipartMap.Parts[partNum - 1] = { ETag: result.ETag, PartNumber: Number(partNum) }; } const doneParams = { ...multiPartParams, MultipartUpload: multipartMap, UploadId: multipart.UploadId }; const result = await this._client.completeMultipartUpload(doneParams).promise(); return result; }
Hi! Your solution looks very good, but i don't understand what kind of data
i should use? I mean your data
looks like it is an iterable object
@jotta008 Thank you !
Will this work with file size of 600 mb?
@yiweirong if still having that issue: you have to make sure that the
function gets called after all the parts have been uploaded and thatmultipartMap.Parts
is complete with information about all the parts.i just had that issue and fixed it by doing that.