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Created January 17, 2017 16:39
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Description of Question 1 solution.
;; Hardcode the input data here as `data`
(def data `({:content "Message from User 2"
:from {:id 2 :name "User 2" :type :user :updated "2000-03-05T16:49:56.845Z"}
:to {:id 22 :name "Group 22" :type :group :updated "1991-10-19T00:57:39.527Z"}
:type :message}
{:content "Message from User 1"
:from {:id 1 :name "User 1" :type :user :updated "1980-07-21T18:56:27.379Z"}
:to {:id 3 :name "User 3" :type :user :updated "1984-05-16T19:57:44.739Z"}
:type :message}
{:content "Message from User 0"
:from {:id 0 :name "User 0" :type :user :updated "2002-02-07T11:53:37.041Z"}
:to {:id 4 :name "User 4" :type :user :updated "1997-05-04T14:09:15.871Z"}
:type :message}
{:content "Message from User 2"
:from {:id 2 :name "User 2" :type :user :updated "1999-08-09T21:24:37.760Z"}
:to {:id 25 :name "Group 25" :type :group :updated "2005-06-24T07:18:02.670Z"}
:type :message}
{:content "Message from User 1"
:from {:id 1 :name "User 1" :type :user :updated "1983-11-04T09:39:02.995Z"}
:to {:id 4 :name "User 4" :type :user :updated "1980-02-19T14:00:17.164Z"}
:type :message}))
;; The output is just for reference
(def output `({:id 2 :name "User 2" :type :user :updated "2000-03-05T16:49:56.845Z"}
{:id 22 :name "Group 22" :type :group :updated "1991-10-19T00:57:39.527Z"}
{:content "Message from User 2" :from 2 :to 22 :type :message}
{:id 1 :name "User 1" :type :user :updated "1980-07-21T18:56:27.379Z"}
{:id 3 :name "User 3" :type :user :updated "1984-05-16T19:57:44.739Z"}
{:content "Message from User 1" :from 1 :to 3 :type :message}
{:id 0 :name "User 0" :type :user :updated "2002-02-07T11:53:37.041Z"}
{:id 4 :name "User 4" :type :user :updated "1997-05-04T14:09:15.871Z"}
{:content "Message from User 0" :from 0 :to 4 :type :message}
{:id 25 :name "Group 25" :type :group :updated "2005-06-24T07:18:02.670Z"}
{:content "Message from User 2" :from 2 :to 25 :type :message}
{:id 1 :name "User 1" :type :user :updated "1983-11-04T09:39:02.995Z"}
{:content "Message from User 1" :from 1 :to 4 :type :message}))
;; Setup few helper functions to make life easier -- all private functions
(def sdf (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"))
(defn- to-time
(.getTime (.parse sdf updated-date)))
(defn- is-cached?
[cache id]
(.containsKey cache id))
(defn- parse-user-or-group-data
"Check whether the id is in the MRU cache,
compare and returns the most recent record if it's in it,
else cache and returns the data"
[cache msg]
(let [id (:id msg)
updated (to-time (:updated msg))]
(if (is-cached? cache id)
(if (< (.get cache id) updated)
(.put cache id updated)
(defn- parse-message
"Parse the stream data into its component structs, conforming to the 'rules'"
[cache msg]
(list (parse-user-or-group-data cache (msg :from))
(parse-user-or-group-data cache (msg :to))
(assoc (dissoc msg :from :to) :from (get-in msg [:from :id]) :to (get-in msg [:to :id]))))
;; Note the use of class, a simple implementation of MRU cache using LinkedHashMap.
(defn transform-stream
[cache-size stream]
(let [cache ( cache-size)
result (-> (for [x stream] (parse-message cache x)) flatten)] result) )
;; Helper function to kickstart the whole thing.
(defn run []
(transform-stream (* 3 (count data)) data))
;; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;; Naive MRU Cache implemented in Java.
;; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class MRUCache extends LinkedHashMap<Integer, Long> {
private static float loadFactor = 0.75f;
private int cacheSize;
public MRUCache(int cacheSize) {
super(cacheSize, loadFactor, false);
this.cacheSize = cacheSize;
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<Integer, Long> eldest) {
return size() >= cacheSize;
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Here is the result output from repl.

➜  assignment lein repl
Compiling 1 source files to /Users/ping/Work/assignment/target/base+system+user+dev/classes
nREPL server started on port 60314 on host - nrepl://
REPL-y 0.3.7, nREPL 0.2.12
Clojure 1.8.0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_60-b27
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
          (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
  Source: (source function-name-here)
 Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
    Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, an exception in *e

assignment.core=> (run)
({:id 2 :name "User 2" :type :user :updated "2000-03-05T16:49:56.845Z"}
 {:id 22 :name "Group 22" :type :group :updated "1991-10-19T00:57:39.527Z"}
 {:content "Message from User 2" :from 2 :to 22 :type :message}
 {:id 1 :name "User 1" :type :user :updated "1980-07-21T18:56:27.379Z"}
 {:id 3 :name "User 3" :type :user :updated "1984-05-16T19:57:44.739Z"}
 {:content "Message from User 1" :from 1 :to 3 :type :message}
 {:id 0 :name "User 0" :type :user :updated "2002-02-07T11:53:37.041Z"}
 {:id 4 :name "User 4" :type :user :updated "1997-05-04T14:09:15.871Z"}
 {:content "Message from User 0" :from 0 :to 4 :type :message}
 {:id 25 :name "Group 25" :type :group :updated "2005-06-24T07:18:02.670Z"}
 {:content "Message from User 2" :from 2 :to 25 :type :message}
 {:id 1 :name "User 1" :type :user :updated "1983-11-04T09:39:02.995Z"}
 {:content "Message from User 1" :from 1 :to 4 :type :message})

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