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Created July 21, 2017 08:01
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Converts lines (PostgreSQL/PostGIS table) to points which are stored in files (Shapefile)
@echo off
echo Converts lines (PostreSQL/PostGIS table) to points which are stored in files (Shapefile)
rem If Shapefile (or better) is the original input, load it in PostGIS e.g. using QGIS DB Manager.
rem Typical DB Manager options are: Create single-part geometries, and attributes id and geom.
if %1.==. goto error
set in_file_lines=%1
set db_user="postgres"
set db_name="work_gis"
set out_dir="out"
set in_file_name="algen_lines"
echo Processing %in_file_lines% lines...
for /L %%i in (1,1,%in_file_lines%) do (
echo Writing f%%i
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" %out_dir% PG:"dbname='%db_name%' user=%db_user%" -sql "WITH tmp AS (SELECT DISTINCT ((ST_DumpPoints(geom)).geom) AS geom FROM %in_file_name% WHERE id=%%i) SELECT row_number() OVER () AS ptpos, geom FROM tmp" -nln f%%i -overwrite
echo Done
rem ogrinfo %out_dir% -so
dir %out_dir%\*.shp /ON
echo Ok.
goto end
echo ERROR: Parameter missing for in_file_lines.
echo Usage:
echo %0 in_file_lines
echo Parameter:
echo - in_file_lines (a number between 1 and 999)
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